Saturday, January 31, 2009

superb use of power by russia

jan 31st, 2009

have to take my hat off to the russians for the excellent example of building and using supplier power, as well as strategic intent. of course, this is why the atlanticist has been railing against putin -- the guy knows what he's doing with this hydrocarbons and the NATO types are feeling the heat (no pun intended). this is why the nuclear 'deal' is such a stupid thing -- the kkkangress is putting india at the mercy of dodgy suppliers like the convict-land. bad, bad idea.

this is also why the turkmenistan-afghanistan-pakistan-india pipeline (which the yanks want to build and which is one of the reasons they invaded afghanistan) and the iran-pakistan-india pipeline (which the kkkangress and communists are eager to build) are totally misguided. of course, somebody has paid the appropriate 'netas' big money, so these projects will live on. 

this is the equivalent of putting your neck in the custody of known vampires.

so russia has an OGEC (organization of oil exporting countries). if only we had the brains, we could set up an OFEC (organization of food exporting countries) and squeeze the rest of the world for all they're worth. 


AGworld said...

>so russia has an OGEC (organization of oil exporting countries). if only we had the brains, we could set up an OFEC (organization of food exporting countries) and squeeze the rest of the world for all they're worth.

You mean Org of GAS exporting countries.

We don't have the brains (collectively, of course) so instead of making OFEC, the only thing we're going to be saying is OF**K -- when the yanks and arabs stop our energy, the chinese stop our water and other stop our food.

But by then, we'll all be screwed and manmohan and co will be living in NY next to the clintons and king fahd.

nizhal yoddha said...

yes, agworld, i did mean 'gas'. typo, sorry.

i'm afraid you are right, that's the trajectory we are on. and then of course the christists will offer us 'aid' if we convert.