Tuesday, January 06, 2009

tavleen singh: Modern India's modern myths-

jan 6th, 2009

tavleen singh on the emperor's new clothes: the pseudo-seculars are intellectually dishonest dhimmis, purchased by mohammedan and christist money.

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The last paragraph sum it up  -  

You would not think that there could be an alliance between religious fanatics and those who believe they are intellectuals of liberal, left persuasion but in India there is.


This bizarre alliance is so strong that Indian leftists have become the most ardent spokesmen (and women) of the Islamists. They find themselves in this extraordinary role because nothing motivates them more than their passionate loathing of India.


May I suggest a cure. It is time for them to spend an extended holiday in Pakistan or Bangladesh to discover what countries in which history is myth are really like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Three held for conversion bid

BANGALORE: Three, including a woman, were arrested on charges of proselytism by the HAL Airport police on Sunday. They were allegedly trying to lure people to convert with promises of better jobs overseas.
The incident came to light when the residents of Murugeshpalya nabbed Rama Reddy (26) hailing from Andhra Pradesh, Mike Barabas (35) and his wife Asmira Barbas of Karwar, when they were trying to convert the locals on Sunday morning. The arrest was made following a complaint filed by Prabhod Kumar of Murugeshpalya.
“Three people, including the couple, tried to convince us that our religion and God were not real and that we have suffered enough. They even told that our God was responsible for our poor lifestyle. If we converted to their religion, they said they could offer us a better living overseas and financial support,” the residents said.
As they tried to approach a bigger group, the locals held them and handed them over to the Airport police. Books, handouts and other materials used for conversion were seized from them.
