Monday, May 05, 2008

Heads I win, tails you lose

may 4th, 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: K

So, if Indians are pathetically poor, it's because they are such a bunch of losers, what with the "Asiatic mode of production," their Paganism, endemic corruption, lack of hygiene, infrastructure etc. etc. (depending on the ideological proclivities of the critic).  OTOH, if they actually manage to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they cause a worldwide food shortage!  And, all those lovable and exalted theories of free markets, enterpreneurship, demand, supply, competition, innovation etc. are conspicuous by their absence.
....Now, sorry I gotta go...time's up...gotta scalp some of those Injuns and save some resources.


Arvind said...

The reaction to Bush's statement is ridiculous. Bush never meant any malice in what he said. He was just giving an explanation for the higher food prices. You can disagree with Bush, but accusing him of malicious intent for this particular statement is way over the top.

BTW, didn't Sharad Pawar make the comment that South Indians are eating more wheat and didn't Chidambaram claim that the poor are eating more food? Their motive for these statements is suspect because they have a history of controlling what others eat.

The dumbest statement came from Jairam Ramesh who attacked Bush for not knowing economics. This from a defender of socialism! Indian politicians, in general, have absolutely no clue about economics and mindlessly follow socialism on the grounds that the White man invented it and so it must be a superior system.

nizhal yoddha said...

arvind is right, this is a sort-of compliment from bush. consider the days of PL-480 when india would starve if a shipment of not-fit-for-human-consumption american wheat and cornflour (still called 'american flour' in kerala) and powdered milk didn't show up. we've come a long way, baby, yeah!

actually, this means the yanks are a little scared of india. india is the closest to america in many ways: their strengths are ours -- like agriculture (well, it could be our strength), innovation (well, not lately, but once it was), openness (well, our mouths are so open our brains are falling out), soft power (yaay, bollywood!), garrulousness, etc.

which is why they are trying to hobble us with that stupid nuclear deal.