Tuesday, May 06, 2008

manmohan meeting citizens in bangalore on the 8th

mar 6th, 2008

this should be good, if any of the said citizens ask him any decent questions. which of course, they won't, because 'citizens' are hand-picked by the kkkangress thugs. i was informed of this event by a kkkangress guy, who mumbled 'security' and suchlike.

chowdiah memorial hall, near sankey tank, on thursday, may 8, 11am to 1pm.

i am sure he'll talk again about his sleepless nights, now that innocent bangalore lad (accused falsely of being a terrorist, and imagine how his poor family felt, so much worse than how sarabjit singh's family feels when he's about to be hanged) hamid doesn't have a job as the wicked aussies have kicked him out, or something along those lines.

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