And of course it didn't take long for Manmohan to quickly turn this into a cry-fest for Pakistan. The real target and victims of these blasts were not mere Indians, but actually the reputation of Pakistan. Let's all cry for the poor, suffering victim in all this - Pakistan.
So if you see another terrorist attack, don't waste your time fretting over those people lying dead on the ground. Give your deepest thoughts and prayers to beloved Pakistan and hope its reputation remains unsullied. And please keep voting these scumbags of the Indian Congress Party into power.
Yes, with each innocent Indian civilian who is killed, we must further strengthen our resolve to fully back what Pakistan stands for. I don't think Pakistan could - if they could afford it - buy a better deal.
This assertion of Manmoran has come even before Pakis could think of it... I wonder Manmoran is PM of India or spokseman of Pakistan?
must read: "Deaths of Indians soiled with blood of BJP: Cong"
To me, the above report meant that the blood of BJP is on the hands of terrorists. IOW, terrorists are killing BJP people selectively! They are not touching the Con men! It suggests that Con men are supporting the terrorists.
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