Monday, March 17, 2008

two more on obama

mar 16th, 2008

oh, now, obama is chinese. why isn't this fellow talking about his mohammedan roots? and whether the saudis are funding him?

i do like this broadside by the arch-conservative irving kristol against obama: yeah, deceit, conceit, "i didn't hear the racist pastor for 30 years" (is that like "i didn't inhale?" tm bill clinton?) bloody generation obama. it's pied piper-ish, indeed


socal said...

Irving Kristol? The article is by Bill Kristol, Irving's son. Should be arc-neocon not arch-con. Of course the Obama movement turning into quicksand since the media fell out of love with him. The internecine Dem battle is going to consume Hillary come Nov. Even the New Republic is warning as much.

truti said...

without getting into a round of "you said it," "so what? you too said it," how much worse is Rev. Wright than wingnuts like Pat Robertson, Falwell, Dobson, etc.? Rev. Wright is a Marine veteran, his church runs AIDS and drug rehab programs, after school activity centers etc. Bill Kristol like most of the chicken hawk neo-con-nuts is a draft dodger and if has done anything for charitable causes, no on is the wiser. Hypocrisy anyone?

nizhal yoddha said...

oops socal sorry re bill vs irv. is irv still alive? anyway i am reminded of the old woody allen joke aimed at some of these intellectuals of old: what do you get when you cross 'dissent' with 'commentary' (both old high-falutin' intellectual magazines)? answer: dysentery :-)

hey truti, would *you* vote for anyone endorsed by pat robertson or jerry falwell or jimmy swaggart? *i* wouldn't, because these creeps would only endorse some bizarre maniac. that's precisely the point re. obama and this wright blighter, who's a raving nut. obama is disingenuous and trying to have his cake and eat it too. that is hypocrisy. or just plain lying. so the great hope/change maven is just like all the other lying, thieving politicians? then what is so great about him?

socal said...

Yeah, Irv is still clocking. The joke's an old one but comes up every now and then. Martha Nussbaum wrote recently on Dissent. She's pissed off with campus boycotts of Israel and used Gujarat as a trope somewhere in her commentary-- or, is that dysentry. ;-)