Saturday, March 15, 2008

two good obama stories: 1. the racist pastor, 2. the felon developer

mar 14th, 2008

if a man's known by the company he keeps, these are definitely dubious companions.

as i keep saying, obama makes me queasy.

ceasar's wife should be above suspicion, as they say.


Uddharet said...

(1) Is this Obama sin-laden?
(2) Caesar's widow need not be above suspicion.

nizhal yoddha said...

good pun/transliteration. congrats if it is your own. yes, nice:

osama bin-laden and obama sin-laden. ROTFL.

re. widows, i didn't get what you are saying. but obamaniacs have been worried the guy may be targeted and bumped off. i really hope not. it'd be better for him to be discredited and shown to be a fraud. audacity of hope, taken from that black racist godman's sermon: shows obama is really a divisive person, although he tries to cover it up with all that feel-good stuff.

Uddharet said...

Nizhal Yoddha,

Re: Obama sin-laden.
Thank you. Yes, the pun is mine.

Re Widows: It can apply to any widow, in any country, who has a political or other public life.

nizhal yoddha said...

uddharet, yes, really good pun. you should publicize it.

widows have been pretty miserable politicans. think eva peron, indira nehru, the bandaranaikes, sheikh hasina, begum khaleda, sonia nehru. cant think of a single good leader who was a widow. strange.