Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tibetans on Horseback

Now here's a more robust image of Tibetan self-assertion. The thundering horsemen of Tibet, rallying for their nation with cries for freedom (video).

Reminiscent of their Mongol-affiliated past.


slim_shady said...

Yes, but their means need to be far more sophisticated to stand any chance. Frankly, they will need help from 'world powers' to avoid being completely crushed. But what hope do they have if even India runs and hides in a little mouse hole when needed most?

san said...

You're right, of course. And it should not be India alone. It should be all of China's neighbors who should worry about its hegemony and help out. Japan, Korea, ASEAN, etc.
Taiwan has established relations with the Dalai Lama, and they have a vested interest in not becoming another Tibet. Too bad the KMT Nationalists won the election there today, because the DPP was more anti-China.