Saturday, March 15, 2008

are these guys 'discovering' depression or does it exist?

mar 15th, 2008

i am a little sceptical of these american health prescriptions. after all, america has seen every sky-rocketing healthcare costs without commensurate improvement in public health.

similarly, psychiatry -- and having a therapist -- are fads in the us.

these are not the things that india needs to emulate the us in. how about simple things like civic sense, punctuality, standing in line, etc?


Anonymous said...

on a related note:
makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Depression is likely to exist with the conditions when ManMadam cares for minorities, and for majority they have an insensitive power structure. Add poverty... people are less than jubilant, looking rather for an opportunity.

So also these psychiatrists..if they can convince their worth, then it is going to see a big well as booming mad men around.