Friday, July 13, 2012

Indian Consumers Most Conscious About Environment Footprint

Indian consumers feel the most guilty about their environmental impact even though they have a smaller average footprint than consumers in wealthy countries, a survey said Thursday.
The 17-nation study by the Washington-based National Geographic Society found a "major disconnect" as consumers in rich nations had the least sustainable lifestyles but also felt the least guilty about their impact.

AFP: India has least eco impact but feels guilty

1 comment:

Arvind said...

The guilt has been induced by fancy tales told by people in the West who want to make Indians pay for this guilt. The payment will be in the form of carbon tax or other global tax.

This is exactly as intended. People in the West invent stories and make you feel guilty and then assuage your guilt by saying they will help fix the world and appoint themselves the heads of "international" organizations. The guilty folks supply the capital, they provide the management. There is no need for labor since it is all pure fantasy. So the management gets to keep the money!

As for guilty Indians, they deserve it if they cannot see through deception and keep getting fooled.