Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oceansat-2 Data Shows Massive Greenland Ice Melt

Here's more on that story about NASA scientists discovering that 97% of Greenland's ice sheet has just melted away over the past week. Apparently, they made the discovery using data from India's Oceansat-2 satellite:

Apparently, this type of event is only likely once every 150 years, and NASA doesn't know how much of it is due to global warming.


Arvind said...

Fraudulent description and misleading picture. Note that the white region is NOT a satellite photograph but merely a photoshopped description to demarcate a region where the MODEL of the scientists is used to claim that there could be melting with a very high probability according to data fed in by scientists.

How do I know this? Read the legend. It has the word "probable" in it.

The grey area in the two pictures show the ice free region and that region is the same in both pictures. Ice melting in summer is routine.

BTW, if 97% of all ice has melted in Greenland, there should be a sea level rise of 20 feet, right? That is what they said. So how come this article says there will be no rise in sea level?

Sujeev said...

From what I can understand of the article, it is not that 97% of the Greenland ice sheet has melted (some of it upto 3 kms thick). It is just that 97% of the SURFACE of the Greenland ice sheet has turned from ice to water, and that is a scary thing by itself to these scientists. I think the depth of this melting is perhaps just a millimetre or two, and that too only for a few days. From what I could make of the interview with the scientist on CBC radio, he seemed to think that the presence of a thin layer of water on top of the Greenland ice sheet, instead of ice, could alter wind patterns significantly, and therefore affect precipitation in unforeseen ways.