Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chinese Worship at Hindu Temple

Indian soft power on display


Brownian Motion said...

Except that it's in Singapore. Unless, Inferno, you subscribe to a view that Singapore is a part of China! :)

Pagan said...

Maybe you are right, Brownian Motion.. thank you for pointing out! I made a change to the title of the post

Lamassu said...

How is this an example of 'Indian' soft-power?

Since when has the Indian Government ever backed Hinduism?

They have equally if not more than equally supported the Abrahamic faiths.

On the other hand, in China, the Abrahamic faiths are suppressed and Chinese culture is promoted internationally via the many 'Confucius Institutes'.

Julian said...

Hindus also visit Chinese temples in Singapore.

Has little to do with power projections, as "pagan" traditions they mingle unlike the Abrahamics.

Sometimes the temples are adjacent to each other so people go to both.

Dharma is also beyond the borders of India, there are many Hindus as in Bali who have never set foot in India & who are far closer to us than fellow so called "Indians" like this fellow here: