Sunday, August 30, 2009

dr. vijaya continues to expose angana's shallow scholarship and paid-for hostility

aug 29th, 2009

angana is -- how shall i put this delicately -- quite likely to be taking money for services rendered.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vijaya

Dear Dr. Chatterji,

I continue to check your articles and simultaneously the rebuttal by Hindu groups, who have not rolled over and played dead.The latest I looked at is your letter to the Commissioner on the Amarnath issue and Kashmir in general (2008).

Since the Hindu rebuttals are clear enough I will not go to that topic, but will confine myself to some general reflections.

India is not an imperial country. It has been a colonised country. Unlike the Western democracies, it has not invaded any country, nor does it intend to do so in future. While it is legitimate for Americans, for example, to protest the war in Vietnam, or the invasion of Iraq, it seems bizarre, to say the least, to establish equivalences between India and the West in that regard. And on the basis of that, hack away at the country. This crying of wolf, wolf, at every twist and turn, makes it difficult to take your critiques seriously.

It shows the poor judgment of the Left, if not actual sinister motives.

The internationalism of the organised Left in India is influenced by its pro China policies. In my opinion, there is nothing Communistic about that country, even though in a distorted sense, American commentators on their news channels, routinely call China a communist country. It is far from being Communist, in the sense that the orginal founder of Communism intended.

At present, it is simply a nationalist country with great power ambitions.

The Hindu rebuttals also point out that you have been receiving awards from Muslim groups in the U.S. The photographs seem quite authentic. It seems as if those Muslim groups are operating on the assumption that our enemy's enemy is our friend. This seems also to be the raison de'etre for China's support at all levels, covert and overt for Pakistan, in its hostile policies towards India.

This brings me to two points : the misguided internationalism of the organised Left and the misguided jihadism of some Muslims in India. Both have their origin in a lack of historical perspective.
MJ Akbar, himself a Muslim, has said publicly, that in India alone, have Muslims enjoyed uninterrupted democracy for 60 years plus (see his blogsite). And many Muslims, at Partition, opted to stay on in India. And many still would not opt to go to Pakistan. This refutes Ms Arundhati Roy's contention that Muslims are unhappy in India.

In your case, the absence of a genuine knowledge of Indian history and its culture seem to be operative. As I said in my previous communication to you, some serious autodidactism is called for. I am making an educated guess that you left Calcutta, where you were born (according to your own account) as a very young person and entered the heady world of Left thinking, post modernism, post colonial studies etc. without adequate preparation. Hence, everything became grist to your newly found world view, which to start with must have been the run of the mill convent education provided by Catholic nuns. They may not have engaged in the type of abuse of Hinduism and its deities, as do some fundamentalist Christians in places like Mangalore, but certainly, the early indoctrination in Christianity, and the rejection of all things Hindu, must have been all pervasive.

You do not seem to have even a rudimentary acquaintance with Sanskrit, as evidenced in your Deposition before the Commission at Kandamahal in 2008 on the riots there. You use the phrase, 'serve with body, mind and money ' to describe the dedication of Hindu groups. The RSS dedicatory vow begins with Valsalye Mathrubhumi, which means Beloved Motherland. That sets the tone for the rest of the vow (Incidentally, Gandhiji was a great believer in vows). And the dedication of the RSS workers to social reform and their frontline work during tsunamis, floods etc. has been exemplary, despite the carping criticism of arm chair liberals!

The more one reflects on situations such as yours, one understands the relevance of such concepts as Punya Bhumi (Sacred Land) which Indian freedom fighters such as Savarkar have talked about (see his The Essence of Hindutva, 1925).

This idea of India as a sacred land is again not to be confused, as some blithe Indian commentators have done, with the 'blood and soil' concept of the German people. One has to ask: what soil, what blood ?

The Germans, with due respect, have a relatively short historical experience and their history started with rather crude conditions of living and philosophy.Their achievements in every discipline came much later, after the Middle Ages.

Hindus, on the other hand, can start with the Veda, some 5000 years ago. Even a cursory reading of the Rig Veda, not to mention the Upanishads etc. would tell the reader that we are dealing with a highly spiritual philosophy. The Rig Veda, for instance, is characterised by its environmentalism and its philosophy of the unity of being, in the universe. I have written about this briefly in a short article ' Sarasvati Regained ' (Organiser, Aug.23, 2009). Although I situate my discussion in the context of the ideas of the New Theorists regarding the Aryan Invasion Theory, the subtext is the metaphor of Sarasvati as the new direction that India should be going towards, based on the insights of the Veda.

As for the Upanishads, the deep spiritual enquiry one finds there is unparalled at that time in human history(if ever !).

This is what Hindus are defending. It has been distorted by endless invasions, conquests and violent Occupations. And recently by the Left and other forces who are clearly against these notions of spirituality.

Today, with the RSS and its heroic efforts at social change (the eradication of casteism and the uplifing of the masses) there is a golden opportunity for anyone seriously interested in this agenda to participate, rather than engage in carping criticism and even worse.

I was shocked to find that you teamed up with the much misguided souls who started the Stop the Hate Campaign , which seeks to stop the funding of the RSS social service outfits.

I read the thorough report on the topic by people like Ramesh Rao et al(IRDF). Fortunately, the efforts of your group have not succeeded in derailing a noble project.

For the political sitation today I recommend that you read the Interview with Mohan Bhagat of the RSS. It is reprinted in Haindava Keralam in their home page: Interview with Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak Sri Mohan Bhagat. It is listed prominently right on top of their home page.

It is one of the sanest and most sober documents I have read in recent times on the Indian situation.

You need not hesitate owing to the  use of honorifics in the above interview. It is similar to the use of The Right Honourable etc. in Western discourse. Forgive me for elaborating on all this but the gaps left by your convent education, necessitate these interventions.

I urge you to seriously rethink your approach. Meanwhile, I shall wait to look at whatever theoretical framework you have set up in Violent Gods and Hindu Nationalism.

I will not be writing to you again, in the immediate future.


Dr. Vijaya

1 comment:

Incognito said...

angana is -- how shall i put this delicately -- quite likely to be taking money for services rendered.

Services rendered is reciprocated in different ways too.