Friday, January 09, 2009

Romila Thapar's Kluge Prize - By Dr. Gautam Sen

jan 9th, 2009

charlatan gets reward from missionaries. figures.

she is such a flat-earth type. precise analog of the christist godman who condemned giordano bruno to burning at the stake, and galileo galieli to imprisonment because their discoveries did not fit into the dogma and vested interests of the church.

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From: <info@>
Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:51 AM
Subject: Romila Thapar's Kluge Prize - By Dr. Gautam Sen

Romila Thapar's Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen

Romila Thapar has been awarded the Kluge Prize for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Humanity for ostensibly creating "a new and more pluralistic view of Indian civilization, which had seemed more unitary and unchanging, by scrutinizing its evolution over two millennia and searching out its historical consciousness". Thapar's US Congressional acclamation seeks to validate a blatantly provocative, uni-dimensional and ideologically extreme view of India's past, espoused mainly by its Stalinist fifth column, assorted Islamist Jihadis and militant Christian evangelists. The Kluge Prize selection committee might have imposed a simple test on Thapar by requiring her to present examples of two positive statements that she has composed on the Hindu past in her entire career. Instead what the decision of the Kluge committee suggests is racial arrogance, contempt for Hindu sensibilities and the malign influence of a powerful Bostonian non-Hindu Indian, infamous for campaigns belittling Hindu suffering. The award resoundingly reaffirms a deep American animus against Hindu India that has been a constant feature of US foreign policy towards it since independence. It was this vicious hatred and a half-baked strategic calculus that prompted US support for the perpetration of Pakistan's genocide in East Pakistan in 1971.

Most mainstream Hindus find Romila Thapar's interpretation of ancient Indian history grossly disingenuous and thoroughly objectionable. Indeed a large number of Hindus regard her as a deeply mendacious enemy of Hindus. She and her genocidal Stalinist associates studiously and maliciously ignore the immense suffering of Hindus as a result of successive Islamic invasions and the brutal rule of violent iconoclasts. It represents an example of holocaust denial that has been sedulously promoted by British imperial deceit and US Cold War aims.

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Dr. Gautam Sen
12th December 2008.

(Taught for more than two decades and at the London School of Economics and now writes on international political economy)


It is no surprise to see that Romila Thaper recieved a Kluge prize for her work which undermines Hindu Civilization. The library of Congress librarian, James H. Billington has impeccable evangelical credentials and he had the final say in choosing the awardee. Billington is on the Board of the Center for Theological Inquiry (Christian Theology) and was long time advisor for Theology Today. Instead of getting awed by these awards these awardees should be looked at as neo colonial sepoys,



Arvind said...

Here is some information on James Billington, Librarian of Congress. One of his daughters is a historian for churches and missions. Before I provide information on that, some information on one of his sons. James H. Billington Jr., is a "Reverend" type (children beware!) and below are some links about his church connection.

He was kicked out a church too. Nobody know if this was due to child abuse. In fact, I have not seen any proof that has been provided to prove that it was not due to child abuse. No one outside the church knows the truth.

Coming to the librarian's daughter, Susan Billington Harper, has written a hagiography about a bishop in India.

In The Shadow of the Mahatma: Bishop V. S. Azariah and the Travails of Christianity in British India.

Sameer said...

A bit off-topic.
But this is abt the topic of abuse of India by foreign and foreign-ed desi media and establishment.

I just watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire (which was also discussed in earlier post.)
I felt a bit disgusted...
The name slum-dog, indicating slum-dwellers as dogs, and showing the typical scum which the foreigners esp. Limey and yankee variety likes to see and their co-horts holier-than-thou (Britisher than thou) desi servants like to see... Poor Indians, Hungry Indians and the apple of their eyes, Bad Hindus, killing 'poor' innocent muslims and 'indifferent' and 'partial' police (In actuality police is the one which acts agsinst the hindus), showing the main character as a muslim and not a Hindu which would be representative of the national population distribution (this is an example of biased sampling) and showing a Hindu girl finally eloping with Muslim...
Well, the story might be 'good' and 'different', but the way this was shown was not good and I heard (and hence not much sure), in te original book (on which the movie is based) the orphaned hero is raised by kind 'fathers' and hence learns english and education, thus completing the 3M axis.
From the way my friends described, I thought it would be 'different' and good, but I had my initial suspicions, esp, when there was the bollywood touch (the 'secularism' touch) and the way the story turned out to be..
felt irritated and thought I'd post abt it here. (Its 3:40 AM IST)
I can atleast get to sleep properly now (after wasting time watching this movie).