Friday, January 16, 2009

more freedom of the press and judicial overreach: kerala high court hands kerala kaumudi a contempt of court notice

jan 16th, 2009

the kerala kaumudi has pursued the sister abhaya case with some vigor and has been quite clear that this is a serious perversion of justice. 

it has also said some rude things about judge hema, who seems to have succumbed to godman blandishments. hema has released on bail the murderer-fornicator-menage a trois gang, godmen kottoor and puthrakkayil, and godwoman seffi, who, under the truth serum, admitted they were bonking in the kitchen, and that abhaya saw them, and so seffi beat her over the head with an axe, and then dumped her in the well. judge hema is the recipient of universal opprobrium in kerala, with the lawyers, the women's rights types, etc. shouting slogans against her, and i understand somebody burned her in effigy. she not only released the godmen/woman on bail against the police's warning that they may jump bail and be spirited out of the country, she also said disrespectful things about the narco labs and the CBI.

another judge, basant, opined that hema did some nasty things. the high court told basant to shut up.

then the high court hit kerala kaumudi with this contempt of court deal.

interestingly, the advocate general said in an open forum that the case would not stand, and that the high court does not, um..., have a leg to stand on, as it were.

so the press must not say anything against kkkangress (which led to raju narisetti being exiled) nor must they say anything against the church (or else they will be hit with contempt of court like the kerala kaumudi).

actually, makes a bizarre sort of sense. because the kkkangress is basically the church. it exists for the benefit of the vatican, ratzy, and sonia nehru, in reverse order.

look at the perversion of indian society because of the kkkangress.

used to be that we could respect the politicians because many of them in the early 1900s were good people. that fell by the wayside.

used to be that we could respect the executive and the bureaucracy. that fell by the wayside.

used to be that we could respect the media. but with the advent of the chinese paper, and the gross brainwashing by the reds, and the massive takeover of the media by the whites, that fell by the wayside.

used to be that we could respect the judiciary. but with the judicial misconduct and the sort of gross nonsense being bandied about by some judges, that is falling by the wayside.

what is left? the army? of course the kkkangress is doing its best to dismantle the army and to pervert public opinion by calling armymen traitors.

there is nothing left. we call this a nation? i think india is on its way to being another failed state, the first large state to voluntarily dismantle itself. not the first civilization to commit hara-kiri, though. 

i keep thinking -- we can't shoot straight, can we? shot the wrong guy in the wrong year. darn! it was not gandhi in 1948 who should have been shot. i leave it as exercise to the reader to figure out the answer: who should have been shot, when, to have made this country a far better place? btw, i am not responsible for your answers, and any libel or culpability is yours alone -- remember that big brother may well be watching. 

1 comment:

Incognito said...

Damn Good Yoddha!
Damn Good!