Monday, September 15, 2008

UK Gets Sharia

Well, if Taliban can't continue in Afghanistan or Pakistan, at least they can set up shop in Britain. The Times of London reports that the UK is now going to allow Sharia courts.


Tranquil said...


I have come to realize they are manageable only by their sharia guidelines.Most of them like it too. What a relief to us Hindus it would be when sazmis, amirkhans etc etc are tried by sharia courts!

We should include their appeasers too.

karyakarta92 said...

The fall of one more country to Islam, *any country* is bad news for the rest of the world and not something to gloat about. However, in case of the bloody limeys - at least many of them, if not all - it is poetic justice that their land is being taken over by the Jihadis they nourished and imported. They deserve this because of their collaboration and assistance in creating Pakistan - over the bodies and honour of millions of Hindu victims of Islamic genocide. I do sympathise, however with many of the British who are knowledgeable about and appreciate the Hindu civilisation.
Islamisation of Britain will have ramifications for America which considers Britain its "mother" country....

san said...

Nah, it will keep the Westerns from bashing us, as they increasingly suffer from the same problems as us. Then they'll know what it feels like to be in our shoes.

Tranquil said...

The report says:
"...with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases."

Not applicable to non muslims.What have we Hindus been putting up with all these years? Unbridled arm twisting & terrorism from them with no punishment.At least sharia when enforced exclusively for them would give them a taste of Allah's wrath.

Ghettoise them ,letting them manage their own affairs to thoroughly disable & defang them.Hindus' monumental mistake is adamantine embracing of them.In the name of indoomuslim bhaibhai & akhandaism.

Multiculti ,all religions samesame moves have only proved detrimental to us Hindus.

Prateek said...

Oh I would love to see UK also reap what they have sowed in Bharat. Here starts the downfall.

Tranquil said...

Islamic slaughter of Hindus and pillaging of our Temples , mass incineration and mayhem well predates British arrival.

Serendipitously & unwittingly British I would venture to say, prevented India from becoming totally islamic.

"the various Nehruvian-Leftist coalitions have ensured that history books are whitewashed to show the Brits as the only bad guys, the Congress movement as the only heroes"

Masochistic gandhi & gandhian apologists were more guilty of slaughter of Hindus.What would have happened to India if all had been spinning at charkha?

At least, in Aeri Katha Ramar Temple,English Collector, Colonel Lionel Place constructed a separate shrine for the Lord's Consort,Goddess Sita, known as Janakavalli Thayar who was ever solicitous to Her devotees. With the prayer that the strongly rebuilt waste-weir would be protected by Her from the fury of floods.

He camped at Maduranthakam during the monsoon and on one night when the tank was full and almost overflowing he visited the tank bund and saw Rama and Lakshmana keeping guard at the tank.

Compare that with today's Kosi and smug aerial surveys by indoo ministers.

Looting of our Temples,blasphemous paintings , smutty lyrics, in short, " invasion of the sacred " all being done with gusto by sanctimonious India's multiculti myopic traitors called rulers & policy makers.

Not by China or UK.