Wednesday, September 17, 2008

onan and 'rain'

sep 16th, 2008

kola singh referred below to onan. i have always been partial to onan, for a couple of reasons.

1. the humorist dorothy parker, in a nice pun, named her parrot "onan", because he was always spilling his seed on the floor!

2. the church likes onan's method of spilling his seed. that's what they call contraception: coitus interruptus. the horny little godman buggers who wrote -- and transcribed and fabricated as they wished -- the bible were most concerned about their seed and suchlike. probably because they were forced into unwilling celibacy (but it is more likely that, just like sister abhaya's killers, they were humping the poor nuns). reminds me of that maniac general bucky waters in kubrick's vastly entertaining but scary 'doctor strangelove' and his obsession with "bodily fluids".

kalyani referred to the somerset maugham short story 'rain'. i remembered it fondly from reading it many years ago, and just re-read it. maugham was a great short-story writer, although i am not sure he was a great litterateur. 'rain' is a must-read story, for several reasons:

1. shows how missionaries have completely perverted the native culture of the places they went to.

2. in the south sea islands, they forced the islanders to start wearing this obscene contraption called a 'mother hubbard', which is basically a burqa, except it doesn't cover the head. it's a completely shapeless nun-outfit which covers up the female body totally. guess what, they have successfully done the same thing in kerala. kerala women used to wear at home a remarkably attractive outfit, a 'jumper' or blouse and a mundu (dhoti). and when they went out in public, they'd add a pallu. this was simple, neat, and attractive. but now they all wear something they call a nightie (true nighties, diaphanous and sexy little nothings, would die of shame to hear this) which is basically a big sack that goes from neck to toes. this is, yes, you got it, the mother hubbard. just like the missionaries got the islanders to become grotesque, they have done the same thing to kerala women as well.

3. look at the utter contempt the missionaries have for the natives. they are just cannon fodder in a conversion numbers game

4. look at the power the missionaries have, of intimidation and of friends in high places. and see how they are able to ruin people through the power of excommunication. such witch-doctors!

5. look at how entirely morally evil they are. the man is a true christist, a bigot and a fundamentalist. and he thinks he's doing his god's work, but in fact he's doing the devil's work, being a fascist fanatic. given half a chance, he's start an inquisition

6. finally, look at how underneath all this holy-holy stuff, the guy is just another hornball, and when he gets a chance to hump a whore, he just goes ahead and does it. (at least the fellow has the decency to cut his throat. most godmen in real life who are caught humping whores don't even do that. they come on tv, blubbering, and ask for forgiveness. remember the bakkes, jimmy swaggart, etc.?)

7. these christist godmen and missionaries are the modern-day equivalents of the francis xaviers and other inquisition-happy 'saints'. they are among the vilest sinners who have ever walked on this planet. i am pretty sure graham staines would have been one of these; m teresa was one of these, just ask christopher hitchens.

1 comment:

Shahryar said...

Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny that it always profits such a regime. True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not mind; this short life counts for too little in their eyes.

-Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French philosopher