Thursday, September 18, 2008

amazing: there are good corpse-worshippers and bad corpse-worshippers!

sep 17th, 2008

whatever happened to the corpse-worshipper 'ummah'? this won't do. godman ratzy has to intervene!

1 comment:

Tranquil said...

What the hell do they mean by " Hindu fundamentalists"?

Time we issue a fatwa, anyone uttering that word would have his tongue cut off.Anyone daring to defend such a person also loses his tongue & eyes.

To hell with their services & charities. All plundered from our Temples & Lands.The dalit christians are all toxic treasonous toxins.What are they doing here? Let them go to vatican.It is cavernous enough to accommodate them.

Now rascal chiranjivi says he will bring a dalit PM((suhasini is also offered a plum post.You bet something sinister has been brewing for long.