Monday, September 15, 2008

Dhimmi Shivraj Patil's sartorial serial atrocity

While the nation continues to be ravaged by Jihadi attacks as a matter of routine and the national capital itself targeted as the latest victim of Mohammedan terrorism, Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil, definitely a close competitor to Manmohan Singh for the worst imbecile Dhimmi ever, voices the usual nonsensical KKKaangress Stalinist line about "threats to communal harmony", "conspiracies to create difficulties for us" etc.

But, apparently even christist NDTV and other TV channels are not amused by Shivraj Patil's sartorial serial attack on the nation while Delhi is burning. The fellow apparently had enough time to change 3 suits within the span of 2 hours in the immediate aftermath of the Mohammedan terrorist attack on Delhi!

Not only is this negationist dhimmi the most incompetent Home Minister India has ever had, he deliberately adds insult to injury with his callousness. Do these Kaangress thugs imagine that the Indian people are not watching them? The vanity of the bloody Dhimmi! Any guesses as to whom he was attempting to impress with his attire?


Tranquil said...

When Kanchi Shankaracharya was arrested , a naive Indian approached this home minister.Hoping he would be shocked and take immediate action.

True to his wont, this s patil was leisurely sipping tea with a 'so-what' nonchalance.

In a photo published by Dinamalar, both antonio m & s dikshit in their 'surveying & ceremonial expressions of grief' look much more well spruced out & cheerful.

Even faked sorrow is absent.

-- said...

His deputy says that in a country with a billion people, it is impossible to deploy police to save everyone. Shame on these incompetent people who hold offices.

--Cine Valley

Tranquil said...


I read certain kkangressi "advised" patil to learn from chidambaram:

" Despite being clueless about finance/economics , see how pchidambaram postures like i- am the- monarch -of all i- survey.You also should learn to fake..."

The Jihadist is far more honourable than such politicians of india.

Brahamvakya said...

I simply love him along with MMS. They are a Gem - gift to this nation. He even coined couple of beautiful words, " Secular blasts, Misguided youth" - Only one on the world to do it.
MMS also can not be discussed in bad light as he is busy bringing light to India in US and france. We deserve them every bit and we are lucky