Tuesday, July 29, 2008

from a pakistani site, a yank talks about playing the india card

jul 28th, 2008

haven't read this in great detail, but it was interesting to skim it.


and pakistan actually has a think-tank. amazing! why do they need it? that's what the ISI does for a living, and all that's to be known is in that great book, 'the koranic concept of war', with a foreword by general zia. quote: "terror is not a means to an end, it is the end. the goal is to keep the enemy terrorized at all times." (i paraphrase).


this they put into practice all the time.


Shahryar said...

Lloyd Macauley Richardson: "The September 11 attacks on the United States have kept South Asia in the limelight, as we have recruited both India and Pakistan to the war on terrorism. That very war on terrorism, however, has exacerbated tensions between Pakistan and India over continuing political violence in Kashmir."

It is only terrorism when political violence is against US territory?

I guess such shit-for-brains analysts belong in a Pakistanrhinktank.org!

Brownian Motion said...

A pathetic excuse for a think tank. The quality of the articles is abominable. I couldn't find one well reasoned article on India (besides the link). Most of the articles aren't even dated. The tags make clear the level of scholarship on this website. One is "India's Dark Deeds under its Sham Democracy". The articles under this tag are good for a laugh or two.

Arvind said...

They actually have a think-tank called Pakistan Institute of Strategic Studies (PISS).

See for example one of their reports at http://ikdasar.tripod.com/anwar/97-01.htm