Telegram is being hounded because US doesn't like it and wants it either shut down or brought under its control. Telegram has its own independent encryption scheme which US can't eavesdrop on. So US wants to force CEO Durov to hand over its encryption - that's why they got Macron's govt to arrest Durov. We Indians should consider coming up with our own independently encrypted social media to fill any vacuum created by Telegram's capitulation.
Telegram is being hounded because US doesn't like it and wants it either shut down or brought under its control. Telegram has its own independent encryption scheme which US can't eavesdrop on. So US wants to force CEO Durov to hand over its encryption - that's why they got Macron's govt to arrest Durov. We Indians should consider coming up with our own independently encrypted social media to fill any vacuum created by Telegram's capitulation.
true. deep state wants to control the narrative on all platforms plus it wants to have trapdoors so they can track everybody's statements.
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