- Giving back: Anil Agarwal pledges 75% of his wealth to charity
- Arun Jaitley: Serious health issues. Burdened by three key ministries.
- Anand Kumar: Super 30 founder to speak at MIT and Harvard
- Gross: Fried cockroach found with French fries in McDonald's Bangalore.
Grosser: Choosing to go to McDonald's for your daughter's birthday. - Bill Clinton: "GDP growth doesn't lead to growth in median incomes because company after company takes more of its profits and spends it on dividends, stock buybacks, management increases ... and less on sharing it with the employees broadly."
- Abandon all hope: Hopelessness from a spiritual point of view can also be termed choicelessness,ie. having no other choice than to honor the present moment completely and gracefully. As Eckhart Tolle describes in The Power of Now, “Waiting is a state of mind which makes you want the future, not the present. You don’t want what you have got, and what you have is what you don’t want. With every kind of waiting you create conflict between your here and now, where you don’t want to be and the projected future where you want to be. This greatly reduces the quality of your life making you lose the present.”
So when we embrace hopelessness we cease to look for exit routes, and instead honor, acknowledge and accept the now as it is. We let go of our inner resistance and surrender to the moment with complete acceptance.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Quick notes: Giving back, Tired Jaitley...
Mars in Full Glory - Courtesy of MOM
A large dust storm can be seen in the upper left of the image. Because of MOM's unique elongated orbit, majestic pictures of the entire planet can be taken routinely - something which none of the other orbiters sent from Earth are able to do. The details in this image are superior to images provided by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Fwd: PLEASE SIGN and pass on! Petition to kick this abusive brawler out: He disgraced India!
From: Narayanan
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Sunday, September 28, 2014
hemu was killed, and a battle was lost
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MOM's First Snaps of Mars
And what region have ISRO and MOM chosen to snap in the first picture? The Indus Vallis, of course.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
modi at UN general assembly
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jayalalitha bites the dust
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Friday, September 26, 2014
Quick notes: White House dinner, Solar opportunity...
- Pakistan's Mars Mission:
- Navratri Fast: Why India’s PM may not eat at the White House dinner
- Go Solar: Solar thermal is expected to go below $25 – $30 per barrel (cost equivalence with oil) in the next 10 years.
- What it costs to go solar today: Net-metering (the surplus you produce from your panels go to the electricity grid and you get a net balance in your favour including actual cash), can make solar revolution possible.
- Chittagong SEZ: Bangladesh offers Indian companies land for SEZs, while seeking a new line of soft credit and collaboration in launching its satellite.
- Our Rocket Scientists:
- Theorema Egregium: How a 19th Century Math Genius Taught Us the Best Way to Hold a Pizza Slice
- Insecure Muslims: Vegetarian campaign near mosque sparks clashes
- African lady checkmates Islam:
Pakistan's Mars mission ready to go pic.twitter.com/lfPPvYfPu6
— Anas Abbas (@Anas_Abbas1) September 27, 2014
Our rocket scientists! Call center ops think jeans make them modern & scientific :)MT @soutik: #Mangalyaan scientists pic.twitter.com/TPTbB46wMX
— Sankrant Sanu सानु (@sankrant) September 24, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Fwd: China failed to capitalise on Xi's Delhi visit+ Keeping China at bay is key to protect Lanka+Daniel Twining: India, the global swing state for US and China
From: sanjeev nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Mr Modi goes to Washington
From: Atanu Dey
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 7:40 AM
Subject: Mr Modi goes to Washington
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GSLV Mark-III to Fly in Oct/Nov
The rocket will be carrying the new Indian crew capsule on a suborbital flight.
Meanwhile, here is the full speech given by PM Narendra Modi at ISRO congratulating its scientists on the success of the Mars Orbiter Mission:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Mangalyaan Reaches Mars!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
ISRO's Mars Orbiter Wakes Up, Fires Engines Successfully
If all goes well, ISRO will become the 4th space agency to successfully put a spacecraft into orbit around Mars - the first to do so on a maiden attempt. (Technically, since the European mission was launched by a Russian Soyuz rocket, India would be the 3rd to succeed all-indigenously).
With the awakening and test-firing out of the way, one of the key hurdles has been crossed. Various previous attempts by others had seen their spacecraft fail to awaken after such a long dormancy, given the cold conditions of space and the dangers of cosmic rays.
Meanwhile, NASA's Maven spacecraft has arrived in Mars orbit a couple of days ahead of ISRO's, with both teams giving each other best wishes. Both teams have formed a joint panel to look at possible cooperation between the 2 missions. ISRO's MOM will likely reach Mars with fuel to spare.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
satyajit ray's charulata turns 50; a chat with the leads
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Fwd: The Meaning of Latest Chinese Transgression in Ladakh, Ahead of Chinese President’s Visit to India+Chinese footprint in India+Tibet: the Real Issue
From: sanjeev nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Farting feedlots a necessity, dead Pagans a nuisance?
From: K
You might want to send this to some of the engineering types who can compare this with, say
1. Feedlot methane emissions
2. Worldwide 'new year' fireworks
3. July 4 fireworks
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Quick notes: Bullet points, Nizamiyat revival...
- Bullet points: Nowhere in the world do bullet trains make money
- Artificial Sweeteners May disrupt body’s blood sugar controls
- Attention office goers:Sit Less, Live Longer.
- Mohammedan Garba?:
- 1948:
- 2014:
If Muslims are so fond of Garba, why don't they arrange Garba dance in Muslim society? What's the need to dance with Hindu women only?
— Tapan Ghosh (@hstapanghosh) September 16, 2014
The Nizam surrendering Hyderabad to Sardar Patel at end of Operation Polo, This day in 1948. pic.twitter.com/8PTWWn5ChF
— Harpreet (@CestMoiz) September 17, 2014
Fully convinced that real goal behind creating Telangana is 2 revive Nizamiyat in Peninsula.RSS as usual clueless
— Sushupti (@Sushuptii) September 14, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Xi Jinping spins the Charkha!
richard rahul verma to be new us ambassador to india
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Thursday, September 18, 2014
Scotland On Eve of Secession Vote
What will happen to the economies of Scotland and the remainder of the UK? What will happen to the well-known British flag, which is a composite of English and Scottish flags? Will the remainder of the UK remain intact? What will happen to British nukes? What about UK's permanent seat on the UNSC? What will happen to the EU? What will be the effect on numerous separatist movements around the world, including those trying to separate from India?
Since a huge share of Labour MPs are elected from Scotland, its secession from the UK would leave the UK Labour Party in the political wilderness, while the Conservatives would have an easy lock on power. Whatever short-term satisfaction they might gain from assisting a separatist movement, UK-based Kashmiri separatists are likely to see their influence diminish in a UK sans Scotland.
The separatist leader Alex Salmond has presented a very breezy picture of Scotland achieving independence without serious costs, and turning into a dreamy Scandinavian type of society, courtesy of the North Sea oil reserves off the Scottish coast. However, some oil-rich Scottish territories may be whispering of seeking independence from Scotland, should it secede from the UK.
Where's Mountbatten when you need him?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Canada Selling Sovereignty to China in New Treaty
Better not let the Congress Party hear about this, or they'll be signing many such treaties with China.
Canada's ruling party claims this treaty is beneficial for the country because by lowering the risk to Chinese investments, it will encourage more Chinese money to flow into Canada. That's literally their sole argument.
Meanwhile, China gets the opportunity to fight cases in Canadian courts to overturn laws they find inimical to them, without any requirement for the case to be disclosed to the public while it's being fought. China in no way cedes any new market access to Canada. Chinese investments will face no public scrutiny or foreign investment review. Such investment deals may even be allowed irrespective of obligations to aboriginal communities.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
top univs producing entrepreneurs who raise vc funding
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Fwd: (Assam) Muslim Tries to Sell Off Hindu Teen Neighbour as Slave, Arrested in Tamil Nadu
From: Ravi
Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:50 AM
Subject: (Assam) Muslim Tries to Sell Off Hindu Teen Neighbour as Slave, Arrested in Tamil Nadu
Man Tries to Sell Off Teen as Slave, Arrested
By Express News Service
Published: 13th September 2014 06:03 AM
Last Updated: 13th September 2014 11:14 AM
- Moinul (left) and Manik
CHENNAI: A 25-year-old man from Assam, was arrested on the charge of attempting to sell a teenage boy, here on Friday. The teen was rescued after a tip off from an auto driver.
Police said Moinul (25) of Guwahati had got his neighbour Manik (18) a job at a tea shop back in Assam. But, the latter registered a complaint against him over poor wages. However, Moinul convinced the boy's parents to withdraw the complaint, promising to place the teenager in a better place in Tamil Nadu. He first found Manik a job at a timber shop in Tiruchy six months ago, but the teen again complained of meagre wages. According to police, Moinul was irked by the police complaint and decided to exact vengeance, and brought Manik to Chennai.
After reaching here, Moinul made him wait inside CMBT at Koyambedu and went out looking for prospective buyers. Police said he negotiated with a tea shop owner nearby, but could not get Rs 3 lakh that he wanted.
In a last ditch effort, Moinul approached the auto-rickshaw and taxi stands, and offered commission to anyone who could find a buyer willing to pay Rs 3 lakh for the boy. Some of the drivers there noted down his number, and an auto driver among them, Dinesh, alerted the local police. Police officials called Moinul pretending to be prospective buyers, and asked him to wait near the auto stand. A team of plain clothesmen offered Rs 3.50 lakh. To gain his trust, they showed him Rs 50,000 advance money.
Moinul readily agreed and fetched the teen from the bus stand and handed him over to the cops in disguise. The personnel immediately disclosed their identity and took both Moinul and Manik in their custody. Manik told the police that he was under the impression that Moinul was looking for a job for him using his contacts and had no clue about his intentions.
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the economist? racist? you bet. and proud of it, too
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Fwd: Vietnam visit by Indian President strategically significant+China and Modi’s relationship building with Japan+ China’s Finger Problem – Will President Xi cure+Pranab visit to Vietnam
From: sanjeev nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
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Using Multiculturalism as a Defense of Rape
In other words, "society failed us and that's why child-rapes occurred."
As China Arms Pak, India Arms Vietnam
Monday, September 15, 2014
Quick notes: Pink revolution, Small EVs...
- Money from slaughter trade goes into killing us: India is killing more animals than ever to feed Bangladesh and the Middle East.
- Steve J restricted kids' gadgets usage: “So, your kids must love the iPad?” I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. “They haven’t used it,” he told me. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home.” I’m sure I responded with a gasp and dumbfounded silence. I had imagined the Jobs’s household was like a nerd’s paradise: that the walls were giant touch screens, the dining table was made from tiles of iPads and that iPods were handed out to guests like chocolates on a pillow. Nope, Mr. Jobs told me, not even close.
- Toyota's New Transit Idea: Not only do these small EVs make more sense than a full-sized gas-guzzling car for the lone commuter, the new system also helps make the idea of car-sharing more convenient and palatable.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Love Jihad - Ground Report Investigation by Headlines Today
This appears to be a master stroke by Headlines Today reporters to present the facts raw where the conclusion is inescapable that Love Jihad is being systematically conducted in UP.
I think they cover that up with commentary to the contrary just to weasel out of any blame.
Quick notes: Dismal failure, Fructose havoc...
- No virgins for you: Al-Qaeda India branch’s first attack ends in dismal failure as jihadists 'raid wrong ship'
- Nirmala Sitharaman: PM's wonder woman.
- Sitting for eight or more hours a day can be deadly: "The impairment in endothelial function is significant after just one hour of sitting."
- NFL agrees, finally: Nearly a third of retired players will develop long-term cognitive problems, at notably younger ages than in the general population.
- High-fructose corn syrup: Unlike sugar, fructose is metabolized primarily in the liver. There, much of the fructose is transformed into fatty acids, some of which remain in the liver, marbling that organ and contributing to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The rest of the fatty acids migrate into the bloodstream, causing metabolic havoc.
- Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system: When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged.
- The most valuable Ashtanga yoga video you can find:
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Fwd: The 21 Sikhs of Saragarhi - a small body of Sikhs fought 10,000 Afridi n Orakzai attackers, 117th anniversary of heroic effort.
From: sanjeev nayyar
A small body of Sikhs defended a vital North-West Frontier post against 10,000 Afridi and Orakzai attackers. Yesterday was the 117th anniversary of their heroic effort
Britain's Parliament interrupted proceedings and rose to give a standing ovation on September 12, 1897 to 21 valorous soldiers — all of them Indians, all of them Sikhs — for what was undoubtedly a tremendous act of collective bravery, and one of the greatest 'last-stands' in military history, the Battle of Saragarhi.
Afridi and Orakzai tribesmen had started to revolt against British annexation of the area in the latter part of 1897, resulting in a multitude of attacks on both Gulistan and Lockhart, especially during the first week of September that year. Elements of the 36th Sikhs, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Haughton, had been moved to the area and had been successfully repelling attacks from the tough, hardy Pashtuns.
On September 12, the frustrated tribesmen changed strategy; they decided to cut off this vital communication link that was being guarded by a detachment of the Sikhs, having only been reinforced in the previous couple of days by Havildar Ishar Singh, and just 20 other ranks. At 9 am, no less than 10,000 tribesmen assembled to launch an assault on Saragarhi.
Haughton, who was based at Fort Gulistan, received a signal that Saragarhi was about to come under attack from a mammoth force. His reply couldn't have been anything but demotivating for the defenders; he was unable to send any immediate relief. The Sikhs, however, resilient and undeterred, knew quick, hard decisions were required. Ishar Singh and his men decided that they would fight to the last man. This was not just bravado. The tactic could, if successful, delay an attack on the forts, giving the troops there more time to prepare and for reinforcements to arrive. Fierce fighting ensued once the assault began and the Sikhs fought a series of delay tactics to ensure the fighting continued for as long as possible.
One can only imagine the fierce and brutal hand-to-hand combat that ensued between these ridiculously lopsided forces once the wall was breached. A determined Ishar Singh ordered his troops to fall back into an inner layer of Saragarhi, while he distracted and held the attackers at bay — another classic delaying tactic. After he fell, the enemy managed to finally breach the inner layers, and except for Sepoy Gurmukh Singh, who was regularly communicating details of the battle to Haughton, his commander in Fort Gulistan, every defender had been killed. The determined Gurmukh asked his commander if he could now fix his bayonet, and an account describes him packing his equipment into a leather bag before doing so. The attackers decided to set fire to Saragarhi and according to Haughton's account, engulfed in flames, Gurmukh's last words were the Sikh battle cry: "Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal (Victory belongs to those who recite the name of God with a true heart)".
When the relief party finally arrived at Saragarhi, there were over 600 dead Afghans and 21 soldiers of the 36th Sikhs along with one non-combatant — a camp follower and cook of the Sikhs who had been with them. Some of those enemy casualties are said to have been caused by artillery fire, after all the Sikhs had fallen; but in any event, for just 21 men to hold off the utterly overwhelming assault force of 10,000-14,000, this battle remains utterly remarkable and among the most heroic last-stands, ever — something akin to the Battle of Thermopylae fought between a Greek alliance and the Persian Empire in 480 BC.
The 36th Sikhs survive to this day. They were re-designated as the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment — which is, unsurprisingly, the most highly decorated regiment of the Indian Army. Now 20 battalions strong, the entire regiment remembers the heroic and selfless sacrifice of these soldiers by commemorating Saragarhi Day as their Battle Honour Day each yea
sanjeev nayyar
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must read: From Huawei to Xiaomi: Why Narendra Modi should do a hard bargain with Xi Jinping by Yatish Rajavat in Firstbiz. GD READ
From: sanjeev nayyar <sanjeevnayyar108@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 2:58 PM
Subject: From Huawei to Xiaomi: Why Narendra Modi should do a hard bargain with Xi Jinping by Yatish Rajavat in Firstbiz. GD READ
To: esams Nayyar <esamskriti@suryaconsulting.net>
The government is seized with the issue of lopsided bilateral trade with China. As against the general perception that imports are of cheap consumer items, the figures show that the largest imports from China are that of engineering goods, electronics and electrical equipment. Over the last three years, China has sold almost $30 billion of engineering goods to India, almost $10 billion a year.
During the same period, $43 billion worth of electronic and electrical equipment, both for industrial and consumer use, has also found their way into India from China.
... deleted
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the economist makes it usual casual racist spiel, then does abject surrender
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Friday, September 12, 2014
India to Surpass China as World's Largest Cotton Producer This Year
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
sanjay patel, graphic artist, ex pixar. anyone know how to reach him?
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Monday, September 08, 2014
note 2: in case you still want to see them, they are available at this website: http://www.mpolska24.pl/blogi/post/6737 thanks to reader swamijyoti
From: Avadhuth Kakodkar
Let us NOT close our eyes. The barbarians would soon be at our door.
Caution! Very graphic scenes! Not for the faint hearted!
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US to Undertake 3 Years to Destroy ISIS
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Quick notes: Ungrateful Shias, Stolen idols...
- RoP ingratitude: For weeks, Kurdish fighters had joined an unusual alliance to free Amerli, a dusty highway town besieged by IS. Shiite militias, Iranian trainers and U.S. military pilots had all contributed, finally wresting the city from Sunni extremists and saving the 15,000 residents from starvation or brutal slayings. But on Friday, as the Kurdish pesh merga fighters approached the city to greet the residents they helped save, they were treated less like liberators and more like intruders. “Pesh merga forces are not allowed to enter this city!” yelled a Shiite militiaman with Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi group. He waved his rifle at them and the pesh merga retreated. “We fought for three months here, and now we have to fight these bastards,” said one of the pesh merga, who regard this area as part of their territory. “If this continues, we’ll have another war.” “They are just like animals,” said a second pesh merga fighter. “They are mules.”
- Australia to return stolen Hindu idols to India... Dealer Subhash Kapoor is accused of looting statues and other antiquities worth millions.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the "father of modern yoga", demonstrating the practices of yoga in 1938 at the age of 50... Hanuman Chalisa by Bhagavan Das in the background.