Wednesday, February 12, 2014

AAPtards involved in visa fraud in U.K

They are a known bunch of fraud mongers.
Within India, they indulge in electoral fraud, legislative fraud, information fraud, marketing fraud, utilities fraud, administrative fraud, legal fraud, e-mail fraud, police fraud etc.

Now, some of these crooks are perpetrating visa fraud in foreign countries, bringing disgrace to Indians in general. Have they not done enough already in terms of defaming the nation - by associating the begging bowl with India via Maoist NGO's such as "Asha for education", AID etc?

These pseudo liberal Jholawallah types are pathological crooks to begin with. 
The Indian media, academia etc. are infested with these parasites. Unfortunately, the Indian diaspora abroad is also getting infested by insufferable brainwashed idiots like these - who bring their mediocre talents
and idiotic notions of Ghandy, Nehru, Sekoolarism, "All religions EQUAL, All religions teach the SAME thing" to foreign shores - which were hitherto spared of this sanctimonious B.S.

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