Tuesday, August 03, 2010

why is india emulating the UAE and saudi arabia (and china re google) in this blackberry deal?

aug 2nd, 2010

not that i think blackberry is great, but it is a little disturbing when the GoI gets to be Big Brother, snooping on people's emails. i do not believe the terrorists are using blackberries -- they have satphones or better technology. so the GoI wants to snoop on normal people's messages. soon, the GoI will be in people's bedrooms too, i suppose. 

so much for the much-ballyhooed freedom of speech and expression in india. it is no better than china, UAE or saudi arabia. it looks like the GoI wants to ensure a certain uniformity of thinking. "thought control" -- orwell would approve. 

incidentally, a nice little analogy:

who were the only people who recognized the taliban govt in 2001? UAE, saudi arabia and pakistan
who are the people who intend to stop blackberry in 2010? UAE, saudi arabia and india

interesting, fearsome symmetry.

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