Thursday, August 05, 2010

malaysia, a truly bigoted country, with mohammedans only 60% of the population

aug 4th, 2010

so you can imagine how it is when mohammedans are 90% of the populuation.

hindu malaysian woman, forcibly converted to mohammedanism at age 7, denied to right to revert. 

quality of justice for hindus in only slightly mohammedan-majority (60%) malaysia. yeah, m'sia, truly mohdan.

i love those ads, "malaysia, truly asia". not! it's a country that has been turned dangerously bigoted within 30 years as the result of oil money (their own and saudi). 

as mohammedans become more prosperous, they become more bigoted. this is an axiom. it is also unusual. as christists became more prosperous, they became *less* bigoted, and the godmen lost control. 

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