Sunday, May 09, 2010

aseem shukla debates deepak chopra on yoga; and wins in a knockout

may 7th, 2010

the comments are interesting too -- although some tamil fellow (only tamils would say 'hindhu', having an unfortunate predilection for extra 'h's; and 'i's as in dosai, vadai, etc.) named secular who i assume is DMK-addled keeps saying all sorts of nonsense :-)

someone hit the nail on the head -- deepak chopra grew up in nehruvian stalinist india, so he hates hinduism. aseem shukla didn't, therefore he is more rational.


Anonymous said...

Chopra ia a fraud and always has been one. The whole enterprise is money and fame. Learn the right phrases and slokas and you are on the road to riches. If the chap writes for the Slimes, you know he has his tail in secular heaven.
Remember T. Lobsang Rampa and his popular books on Tibet? And then someone found out that he was an Englishman living in with 2 women!!

Hitanshu said...

Nice to see intellectual warriors of Hinduism win. You should also post the video of islam versus arya samaj debate which is on youtube.

truthwisdom2008 is the channel and the person being debated is the guru of zakir naik and the person debating is Mahinder Pratap Arya

Unknown said...

That was so satisfying.

Sid Gau said...

I am not sure why adding an 'h' or 'i' is unfortunate. Tamilians are not the sole custodians of predilections. I cringe when someone says 'dosa' or 'vada'. :-)))))

There is nothing called Tamils - unless you believe in AIT, which I know you don't :-)

dreamchild said...

Deepak Chopra is creating his own MYMAG