Friday, June 12, 2009

'Growth' From Deficit Spending

And here's how the Congress flunkies managed to achieve the nice rosy economic growth and artificial happiness that helped them to win the elections - they did it though massive unsustainable borrowing. India is shining, thanks to voodoo economics.

1 comment:

nizhal yoddha said...

this is chidambaram's specialty. didn't he do this with the late lamented rajiv nehru as well, if i am not mistaken? borrow and spend. precisely the right thing to do when the entire world is suffering from too much borrow-and-spend.

indians love to ape whites, especially in the really dumb things they do. nobody wants to ape the whites in their good things they do, like being diligent at work, or not indulging in small-scale petty corruption.