Tuesday, March 31, 2009
challenge: double the number of daily hits on this blog
Monday, March 30, 2009
hans doing their usual thing - spying and stealing information
this technique will be how they fight wars in the coming years; they call it hurling the "assassin's mace" (a concept in Sun Tzu). the center-piece of this war-fighting will be to exploit vulnerabilities in the power, transportation and communications infrastructure. incidentally this has already started happening - http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/666
wonder which "South Asian" government is being monitored? - just note that our embassy in Washington is already infected. I wonder if Government of India buys any Lenovo equipment (gulp!)
languages dying
monoculture is bad in anything: religion, language, agriculture. diversity is good. so the disappearance of languages is something to be regretted.
Mockery is Worthwhile
Mockery may be a highly effective way to fight terrorism. After all, it's a war of ideas.
US Hardening Stance on Pak
In recent days three top American generals have turned their guns on Pakistan, accusing elements of its main intelligence agency, the ISI, of supporting Taliban and al-Qaeda militants.
This probably explains why even NYT & Co are publishing some articles critical of Pak. It's being done at the behest of the US govt. It seems to indicate a change in strategy.
Obama Bringing in More Muslims
Sunday, March 29, 2009
the media really wants varun to roll over and die - so raoul gets to eat all the cake
now they have brought up the NSA on him - this is simply overkill
these engligh media cretins in India never learn - the more they villify somebody the more popular he will get. if he and the BJP play it right there will be good votes to be had from this positive polarisation of votes - not to mention using the 'martyr' effect.an interesting interview with the guy - I have no reason to disbelieve him
this just in: and renuka chowdhury had to be put into a restraining jacket after hearing this, and was led away blabbering: taliban, taliban, hollywood taliban
meanwhile, the tamil sangam has denied rumors that it has offered renuka chowdhury an honorary vice-president position.
The camel steadily making its way into our tent...
From: A P
"Charity" chief focus of arms probe
what goes in madrasas, which are now, thanks to arjun singh, treated the same as CBSE schools.
maybe CBSE curricula will soon include arms-handling and bomb-building. only halal bombs, please. we "charities" are very particular.
From: Shahryar
Charity chief focus of arms probe Bangladeshi police investigating a huge arms haul in the south of the country are investigating the possible role of the head of a British charity. ... deleted The weapons cache was found at an Islamic school, or madrassa, allegedly run by a charity based in Manchester. Bomb-making equipment Newspaper reports in Britain say that Dr Mostafa - the head of the Green Crescent charity which runs the madrassa - had previously been tried for plotting explosions in the UK. In November 2008 Dr Mostafa was found guilty by a court in Manchester of possession of dangerous weapons and making a false statement about baggage cargo at the city's airport. |
sonofusion: was Taleyarkhan unfairly maligned?
rustom taleyarkhan is from mumbai and is an IIT madras alumnus.
now it is even more murky: does sonofusion work? are the allegations about taleyarkhan false? is this an example of professional jealousy? the secretary testimony certainly is damning about the department head.
if the department head was not guilty, why did he settle with taleyarkhan?
does this mean -- especially as cold fusion is showing signs of revival -- that sonofusion is also not discredited?
From: Arvind
Taleyarkhan settles suit with 1 of 2 colleagues
Lot of dirt about the Purdue guy who went after Taleyarkhan:
Scientists find new evidence for existence of 'cold fusion'
From: Shahryar
more on 5111 kaliyuga
To: "Mookambika" <srimookambika-devi@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Saturday, 28 March, 2009, 11:16 AM
Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get yourname@ymail.com. Sign up now!
kashmiri girls forced to marry terrorists. but hey, this does not get renuka chowdhury, women's rights maven and taliban expert, excited
renuka, who knows the taliban well, has concluded that mohammedan women *want* to marry terrorists. yes, really. so no question of this being talibanization.
From: K
...and the "secular, progressive" harpies and banshees will be, well, silent harpies and banshees - a miracle if you were waiting for one. |
Saturday, March 28, 2009
when the real taliban are in action, with the support of the state, no renuka chowdhury or the elm shouts about talibanization
this is the utmost in hypocrisy. see post below, where hindu girl is raped and now is being urged to convert and marry the rapist so he can get out of jail. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/03/no-shouting-about-taliban-by-renuka.html
here the girl converts and marries a hindu, and the STATE POLICE (gestapo-equivalent) assault the girl and this giri woman (relative of former president) and there is no protest anywhere in the country.
look at the asymmetry!
moral: mohammedans can do anything in dhimmi india.
Bart Ehrman on the lies, extrapolations and fabrications in the bible
we have talked in this blog before about bart ehrman (former fundamentalist who quit the church in disgust and became a major scholar on the bible) who has systematically shown that large chunks of the allegedly divine bible are entirely human fabrications, transcription errors, and hoax insertions from the medieval period. here's more from him.
no wonder the bible (one of the idols of christists along with the idol of the mutilated corpse of the dead arab on a stick) is such profound garbage. one of the american founding fathers (jefferson, i think) went through it and tore out every page that had something offensive, violent, bigoted and misogynistic. when he finished, he found that he only had the covers left. it is basically a handbook for evil created by the godmen for their own self-aggrandizement after the council of nicea in 345 ce (approx) which codified christism as a power-hungry, imperialist death cult bent on world domination.
From: Shahryar
The Friends of the BJP: a forum of high-flying businessmen and professionals
PLUs for BJP :-)
From: sri
BJP friends: 'People like you'
Jaitley at the meeting in Delhi. (PTI)
New Delhi, March 26: The Friends of the BJP, a forum of high-flying
businessmen and professionals, is trying to create a new urban voter
who ultimately becomes the voice of India, knocking the aam aadmi off
his poll perch.
This voter will be animated by a passion for economic growth, stronger
reforms, national security and good governance.
... deleted
tibet is paradise: Xinhua Ram
of course he would say that. he gets paid to.
From: <thehindu@web1.hinduonnet.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 2:32 AM
If Tibet needs 'Democratic reform' and 'Social Emanicipation', what about China?
This article has been sent to you by Xinhua Ram ( nram@thehindu.co.in )
Source: The Hindu (http://www.hinduonnet.com/2009/03/28/stories/2009032854911000.htm)
Link: Tamil version of The Myth of St. Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple
worth reading, in english or in tamil. to reiterate, the portuguese destroyed the ancient mylapore shiva temple and built their san thome cathedral on top of it. just goes to show how christists have always been terrorists.
From: Swami
Translated into Tamil by Dr. B.M. Sundaram
chandrabhan prasad: return to feudalism
ooh... that is a stinging blow! and to think it comes from a prasad, who emphasizes he's a harijan, is a double blow!
is he in effect calling communists pimps?
One of the big mistakes socialism made was to dismiss man's innate abilities of creating wealth. So disastrous the socialism turned that all erstwhile socialist republics of the East Europe and Russia are now largest exporters of female bodies. West Bengal comes only next to them.
tehelka.com: interview with ram madhav of the rss
From: sri
Friday, March 27, 2009
i vote for this giveaway to mohammedans
i think a perfect 'haj subsidy' is as follows, heck, i'll even donate something out of my own pocket:
give each mohammedan family an FM radio and broadcast their calls five times a day over a dedicated FM channel.
this would save the rest of us from being woken up at all hours by this tuneless caterwauling that the mullahs practise. arabic is a particularly ugly language to hear (it may be marginally better than chinese) so it is simply torture to impose it on us.
this is what, for instance, the singaporeans do, so that they are not all bothered at odd hours by some fellow screeching stuff you can't understand. (of course, it's probably better that you don't understand, because i suspect the content is not exactly "all religions are the same", "all indians are my brothers and sisters", "be nice to your neighbor" etc.)
happy yuga-adi!
i guess it is kali yuga 5111. of course, in kerala the calendars no longer have kali yuga. they have saka era (i have no idea why the central government insists of using this) and the malayalam era.
no shouting about taliban by renuka chowdhury? no prizes for guessing why
this is like the story of the iraqi woman who got women raped so that she could then turn them into suicide bombers.
here the hindu girl (must be, if it were a christist, john dayal and ratzy would have been screaming. on 2nd thought, no, john dayal is scared of mohammedans, didn't utter a peep when mohammedans cut off the head of a christist guy in bangalore for the crime of marrying a mohammedan woman) is raped, disgraced, and then the rapist's mother shows her the way: become a mohammedan baby factory and all will be well.
of course this is just fine with renuka chowdhury, shabana, teesta and the harpies ("loose women of bangalore" or something) who made so much noise about the mangalore incident.
From: A P
first it was the economy; now it is the home ministry -- the exploits of p chidambaram
nytimes: Afghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help; no s**t, sherlock!
they just figured this out *now*? goodness, does the bear do its thing in the woods? is ratzy catholic? is the ISI the taliban?
yes, san did post this below. but i am wondering why this atlanticist paper has suddenly jumped on this bandwagon. remember that just last week the wsj had published a glowing (but idiotic) story about how there was this great relationship between the ISI-turned-army-chief kiyani and top US army brass. what, that yank admiral mullen was an idiot, or what?
i think the nytimes is trying to make the wsj look bad, that's about it.
everybody in the yank establishment knows taliban == ISI. they only maintain this polite fiction that they are different to hoodwink the very willing-to-be-hoodwinked manmohan singh.
From: Girish
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/26/world/asia/26tribal.html?_r=1&bl&ex=1238212800&en=7f09c3808c52ec7d&ei=5087%0AAfghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help, U.S. Aides Say... deleted |
india's fisc deficit highest in the world: thank you UPA "dream team"
the reason Chidambaram and Manmohan are called a dream team is that they do little else but dream. or wet dreams in their case; future generations will pay for this through their nose.
Philosophically speaking - deficit spending in India is not the paap-karm it is in the west. this is because the domestic savings rate, at mid thirties percent is high enough to sustain government overspending. the problem is what you get (or do not get) in return. no assets, no employement and income generation, no long term economic velocity - no nothing.
chidambaram ran a deficit simply to get 50k crores for recapitalising swiss banks
P.S - do not get me wrong guys. I think everyone including Indian government should balance their budget. but it makes me weep to see hard won indian savings been thrown away by these economic assassins
why Obama's bluster on outsourcing will fail
Bailed-out firms that Obama stops from hiring Indian outsourcing companies will hire IBM - which sends the work to - you guessed it - India. This trend will only strengthen in hard times when everyone is trying to cut back on budgets. IBM's increased hiring in India is no favor - they recognize the threat to their competitive position by Indian IT Service companies.
of course chidambaram will claim "Manmohan and I got all these jobs to India". since he will do this with a sense of false gravitas - and because he wears glasses; the press in india will fall over themselves telling us how true that is. meanwhile party cadres will clean up all of India's savings. this will cause India's economic death.
to which chidamabaram will say - a la Monty Python - it's not dead it's resting.
Hanuman: the Videogame - for Playstation2
While the look may be a little dated, it's still alright for an early attempt.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Shut NGOs' Foreign Funding
Pak Continues to Backstab US
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
hate speech by disgusting christist
CAG Finds 50,000 Crores unaccounted for!
From: A P
Mar 18, 2009
Labels: central government's coffers, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Government of India, Modi
Comptroller & Auditor General of India has found that Rs 50,000 crore is unaccounted for and 'missing from the central government's coffers' -- Modi
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday night alleged that a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India had found that Rs 50,000 crore was unaccounted for and 'missing from the central government's coffers'.
"The country wants to know from Prime Minster Manmohan Singh about this money that has simply vanished," Modi, who launched the election campaign of the Bharatiya Janata Party-Shiv Sena alliance in Maharashtra on Sunday, said.
... deleted
varadarajan goes nuts on varun
From: Vijay
The Editor
The Hindu
Re: 'That Familiar Stench:From Guruji to Atalji,Masterji to Varun'
by Siddharth Varadarajan,The Hindu,March 24,2009.
Dear Editor,
I am a regular reader of the online edition of The Hindu and Mr.Varadarajan's articles in international magazines such as Counterpoint and have been appreciative of his independent journalistic viewpoints.
I was therefore surprised that The Hindu, noted for its sobriety, should have published the above mentioned article. It is shockingly hateful both of Varun Gandhi,the BJP,the Sangh Parivar etc.
It would seem that Mr.Varadarajan has lost his bearings.
The liberal media in general have acted as judge and executioner of the hapless young politician Varun Gandhi without giving him a fair hearing. He has repeatedly said that the tape that showed him making the alleged 'hate speech' against minorities was doctored. Indeed, independent investigations have affirmed that there are 17 cuts.It is unfortunate too that the Election Commission did not bother to have it examined by forensic experts.
Mr. Varadarajan as a responsible journalist could have waited till those tests were done. At the very least he could have done some investigative journalism at Pilibhit to check out the serious situation there of infiltration from the Nepalese border of arms and fake currency, the victimisation of the minority community there(the Hindus) etc.
Instead he has joined the ranks of the liberal media who have ignored the communalism of senior Congress leaders such as Imran Kidwai whose speech at Chandigarh on March 15,2009, was quite public and quite communal.
He has been quoted as saying:
"I regret not being a mufti.Had I been one, I would have issued just one fatwa that going with the BJP amounts to committing kufr."
It is reported that Congress officials and even a Union Minister were present at this speech.
The liberal media has not made much of this. And Mr. Varadarajan has gone a step further in indicting all of the Sangh Parivar, including Atal Bihari Vajpayee in his list of offensive characters whose stench is unbearable(Ironically, Bollywood film idol Shah Ruk Khan,quite a balanced person, has stated recently how much he admired Vajpayee).
Such hateful views from a responsible journalist are unbecoming.
And I am sure I speak for many Indians in the Diaspora when I say that Varun Gandhi has done us all proud by saying that he is an Indian,a Hindu and a Gandhi in equal measure.
Mr. Varadarajan is not a Gandhi but he is certainly an Indian and a Hindu and one wonders why he goes out of his way to pillory Varun for such sentiments.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
varun gandhi spoke the unpleasant truth: kanchan gupta
Rolling Stone subtly blames Indians for the crisis
From: swami
Check this out:
The problem was, none of this was based on reality. "The banks knew they were selling crap," says a London-based trader from one of the bailed-out companies. To get AAA ratings, the CDOs relied not on their actual underlying assets but on crazy mathematical formulas that the banks cooked up to make the investments look safer than they really were. "They had some back room somewhere where a bunch of Indian guys who'd been doing nothing but math for God knows how many years would come up with some kind of model saying that this or that combination of debtors would only default once every 10,000 years," says one young trader who sold CDOs for a major investment bank. "It was nuts."
violation of human rights!: Iran women to get equal insurance
From: Shahryar
Iran women to get equal insurance Insurance companies in Iran will have to pay the same compensation for women and men in the case of death or injury, the Iranian government has said. Previously, insurance policies have paid women or their families half of what a man or his relatives receive. Iranian Justice Minister Gholamhoseyn Elham said the companies would also have to make equal payouts to Muslims and non-Muslims. Non-Muslims and their relatives also currently receive less than Muslims. The new requirements come into force at the start of the Iranian new year on Saturday. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7953282.stm Published: 2009/03/19 17:15:01 GMT © BBC MMIX |
tamil christists (dmk?) doing their thing: SUPPORT TERROR, COMMIT TREASON, GET AWAY WITH IT! - II (Law unto themselves)
(Law unto themselves)
... deleted
madani is a very dubious character
Anantnag to rename as Islamabad - What our Media failed to Highlight
Tata Nano Launches

more on the charlie chaplin statue: it was illegal too
Saturday, March 21, 2009
oh good, finally high-fructose corn syrup is getting a bad rap
Why is Varun Gandhi angry + excerpts of his speech
From: Swami
From: sri v
From the exceprts made available he has not criticized any community directly..
The first the reason behind his outburst is below
from abhishek mehrotra
Hi Saw ur chat with Raajdeep on CNN-IBN yesterday. U were fabulous.
Made them speechless. Keep it up.Best Wishes Abhishek
In a prime time discussion with Rajdeep Sardesai on CNN-IBN on 17th
March at 9 pm show veteran journalist and columnist Tarun Vijay said
that Varun Gandhi hasn't spoken against any community. Pilibhit is run
under a complete Islamic dispensation with the District Magistrate,
Additional D.M., Sub Divisional Magistrate- all Muslims posted there.
Its represented by three MLAs and all of them are Muslims. In the last
couple of months five hundred cows were slaughtered by Muslims and
reported to administration through Maneka Gandhi's office. Nothing
happened. Kidnappings and rapes of Hindu girls is a matter of
Its a border area , neighbouring Nepal and hence all sorts of criminal
activities goes on. So in this situation Varun Gandhi only tried to
infuse some confidence and assure them that they are not alone. Varun
only sworn on Gita as a Hindu. Any one, including me would do that-if
someone attacks my sister or mother , I would say-I shall not spare
the attacker. Varun's missive was against the traitors and
anti-national's like Afzal and Kasab. He was emotional and didnt utter
the words that are being attributed to him ie naming any community
Excerpts ..
Badey daraawne naam hotey hain inke... Karimullah, Mazharullah...
Varun Gandhi kaat daalega...'
Express news service, Mar 18, 2009
New Delhi: The following are excerpts from speeches that Varun Gandhi
is shown as delivering in at least two locations earlier this month in
Pilibhit, from where he is contesting as the BJP candidate. The
speeches figure in a video recording viewed by The Indian Express. On
the directions of the Election Commission, the police today registered
a criminal case against Gandhi.
Yeh panja nahi hai, yeh kamal ka haath hai. Yeh kat** ke galey ko kaat
dega chunaav ke baad. Jai Shri Ram! Ram ji ki jai! Varun Gandhi kaat
daalega! Kaat denge us haath ko, kaat denge, kaat daalega!
[This is not the (Congress symbol) 'hand', this is the hand of the
'lotus'. It will cut the throat of the (derogatory reference to a
Muslim) after the elections... Varun Gandhi will cut... Cut that hand,
cut it, cut it.]
Apne jao, apne gaon mein jao aur halla karo ki saara Hindu ek tarfa ho
jao, chhetra ko Pakistan hone se bachao, aur saara Hindu ek tarfa ho
[Go to your villages and give the call that all Hindus must unite to
save this area from becoming Pakistan…]
Kya yeh sach nahin hai… ki usko bola gaya ki mataji aapka naam kya
hai... agar usne bola ki Bimla Devi, to usko kahaa ki dekhenge,
sochenge... pehle paanch hazaar rupaye do... aur agar uska naam hai
Saira Bano ya jo bhi Begum Hukum Begum... hum to jaante nahin hain...
badey daraawne naam hotey hain inke... Karimullah... Mazharullah....
agar raat ko kabhi dikh jaayen... to darr rahen hain...
[Is it not true... that if (a woman) is asked her name and she says
Bimla Devi, she is told we'll see, we'll think (about giving
Government aid), give us Rs 5,000 first... But if her name is Saira
Bano or whatever begum Hukum Begum... I don't even know... These
people have such scary-sounding names... Karimullah, Mazharullah... If
you ever encountered them at night, you'd be scared...]
Meri ek behan hai... to ek pamphlet chhapa tha jisme saare
pratiyashiyon ka picture likha hua hai... toh meri behan... us bitiya
ne kaha... Bhaiya mujhe nahi pata tha ki aapke chhetra mein Osama bin
Laden chunaav lad rahein hain... Maine kaha beta Osama bin Laden ko to
America pakad nahi liya lekin Varun Gandhi ke to pakad mein bahut aane
waale hain chunaav ke baad!
[I have a sister… there was a pamphlet with pictures of all the
candidates… so this child told me, 'I didn't know that Osama bin Laden
is contesting from your area.' I told her, 'America couldn't get
Osama, but Varun Gandhi is going to get a lot of people after the
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What happens if more Varun Gandhis don't expose the reality?
-- that are considered "moderate" in pakistan.
From: Sushil
Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 3:11 PM
Subject: What happens if more Varun Gandhis don't expose the reality?
To: Rajeev
Rajeev, the link - This is in NWFP - closer to Peshawar in Pure-istan... If more leaders, politicians have the guts like Varun Gandhi to highlight the reality facing Hindus in the Indian continent.....we won't have Islamo-fascists & crypto-Islamists calling the shots in India......which might well be on it's way to becoming 'Mughalstan' ....if the Ghandys-Paswans-Yadavs-Setalvads-Burkhas-Sardesais-Karats-etc have their way.... I think nothing short of a neo-holocaust (not the 'genocide' of Teesta) happening will wake Hindus up.... Sushil |
Don’t Just Vote - Make it Count - ‘Become the SWING VOTER’
From: arun
There is a myth that the Educated Civil Society, being small in numbers, can not influence the electoral outcome. Consequently majority of us are not motivated to engage with the political class. Many of us abstain from voting because we believe that we are too small in numbers to change the ways of Indian politics. However, a closer analysis will reveal that in this age of coalition politics, with so many parties and candidates, victory margins are very small. In fact, most MPs in urban centres win by margins of just few thousand votes.
4 out of 7 seats in Delhi were won by narrow margins in 2004 Lok Sabha elections - New Delhi - 12784, South Delhi-16005, Delhi Sadar - 15974 & Karol Bagh 37,629. Mumbai also had similar figures, 3 out of 7 seats were won by less than 25,000 votes - Mumbai South-10246, Mumbai - South Central-22188, Mumbai North Central - 13,329.
This is not true only for Metro, even smaller cities across the country have witnessed similar trends. Victory margin in Kanpur was just 5,638 votes, Nashik - 15,058 votes, Ranchi -15,421 votes, Allahabad - 28,383 votes and Bangalore North - 30,358 votes.
Just concluded delimitation of constituencies has dramatically increased the number of urban constituencies, which will further grow as India urbanizes. 120 is a huge number, given the coalition politics where Mrs. Mayawati, with potentially 50 MPs, will have the real possibility to stake the claim for Prime Minister's post.
We also need to note that in 2009 elections we have more than 10 Crore First Time Voters, majority of them in urban areas. Compare this with the vote difference between two national parties, Congress and BJP in 2004 Lok Sabha Elections, just 98 Lakh votes of total 38.99 crore votes olled.
In 2004 Lok Sabha polls BJP got 22.2% and Congress - 26.7% of the total votes polled - 38.99 crores (58%) of total 67.15 crore registered voters.
ELECTIONs-2009 are DIFFERENT in many ways. Post 26/11 people are willing to get out and get counted. We have the real opportunity to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, this time around. So how do we do it?
Each major party and candidate have their own committed vote bank based on ideology, caste, religion, region or language which they nurture and hold by giving sops, favours, appeasement and promises. During the elections, what all political parties need and fear the most are the SWING votes, which usually decide the winner. This number is not very large, specially in urban areas and presents an opportunity for educated civil society to come together and elect the candidate and party of their choice.
It is certainly not difficult to bring together 10,000-25,000 educated people in each urban parliamentary constituency as SWING VOTE BANK, who will vote based on the issues of "Good Governance & Economic Development". If this happens, these 'Educated Swing Votes' will make every political party reach out to them and ask for their issues to be included in their agenda.
Now the question is, how do we organize these educated people, analyze & interact with major candidates/party and make an informed decision to VOTE with a real possibility of having a winner of our choice.
Use of technology will make it possible, Obama has shown it working. We are technology savvy and quick to adapt.
"Change India" has created a CHANGE platform, which you can join by sending an SMS - START CHANGE to 575758.
The target should be to get around 30,000 people in each of the constituencies across 25 cities of the country, accounting for around 50-60 MPs. Details of the candidates/parties will be shared via SMS and website and a deserving consensus candidate will be decided using a web & sms POLL.
We can make a BIG impact in the next Lok Sabha election and hold our winners accountable.
Swami Ramdev: Commander in Chief to 80 Crore "Sleeper Cells"; I Salute you.
From: Anand G.Sharma
mutilated arab Corpse god followers indulge in forced conversion in Ludhiana
From: sri
Tension grips Jamalpur following 'forced conversion'
Ludhiana Tension gripped the Economic Weaker Section (EWS) colony in
Jamalpur on the Chandigarh Road following allegations and counter
allegations of forced conversion to Christianity and subsequent
destroying of Bible scriptures.
According to sources, on late Sunday evening some persons allegedly
stormed into a small church in the EWS colony and damaged holy
scriptures. "The assailants also manhandled the members of our
community and did not spare even women," said Albert Dua of the
Christian United Federation.
But some persons from the rival group said that some members of the
church were forcibly converting a man and the mother of the man had
threatened self immolation if he was converted. But Albert Dua denied
all the allegations .
After receiving the information, the officers from the district and
police administration reached the spot and tried to pacify both
SP (Headquarters) Harish Kumar, SP City II Harjinder Singh, DSP
Harmohan Singh and the area sub divisional magistrate (SDM) were among
those who went to the area to take a stock of the situation and to
broker peace.
SSP Dr Sukhchain Singh Gill said, "The situation is fully under
control and thankfully it did not take an ugly turn. Both groups have
almost reached to an understanding and the matter is likely to be
resolved soon."
atlanticist on countries made vulnerable by the global downturn
flip bought by cisco
Friday, March 20, 2009
let them put up a statue of a clown (say karunanidhi or laloo) near the vatican first
national disgrace: christists taliban shoot another hindu, and nobody cares
religion, not caste, behind reservations
Religion, not caste, hides behind reservations
It is a measure of the success of the Christian propaganda machinery that idiot Hindus have no threat-perception of their own. How else can we explain that notwithstanding the barbaric Crusades, Atlantic slave trade, White Christian European colonialism, the near-total extermination of the native peoples of North and South America, and the total destruction of the faiths and cultures of Native Americans, Africans and growing sections of Asians, uni-polar or bi-polar world order, the poles are always located in the Christian world, Hindus see the sword of Islam clearly but do not see or sense the Christian cancer eating into the vitals of the Hindu nation?
Horrified senior advocates of the Madras High Court who read my Plainspeak column 'Madras High Court lawyers' mutiny – the church's first big step' are pressing the panic button. The idea that the Bar and judiciary has been brought to its knees by a section of lawyers espousing Tamil Eelam and that Eelam will be a Tamil Christian state, has jolted their grey cells into feverish activity. While no immediate decisive result of the brain activity is expected, at least a beginning has been made towards kindling awareness within this self-absorbed community about the simmering Tamil chauvinist political cauldron.
In all government and government-aided institutions, including institutions of politics and administration and institutions of higher learning, elevation to top posts at any level or grade is simply a matter of emerging as the senior-most worker at the right time at the end of the assembly line; unless the post happens to be a political appointment – like the Rashtrapati Bhavan, NSA, Governor of a state, Vice-Chancellor of a university or Director of the CBI. For some posts like Chief Justices of High Courts and the Supreme Court, Commissioners and Directors-General of Police, Vice-Chancellors, Directors, and Deans, a person must not only be ready at the delivery point in the assembly line but must also be on the right side of the ruling dispensation. Needless to say, stakes are very high because these posts come with power, privilege and pelf. Needless to say again, what goes into the assembly line determines what comes out of it at the end and at the top.
The writer was present at the Judicial Academy last month to depose before Justice Srikrishna who was appointed to look into events leading to February 19 in the Madras High Court. The writer and her friends were intimidated by a menacing group of lawyers who demanded that we be evicted from the premises and that we should not be allowed to depose. It is besides the matter that we refused to be intimidated but the writer had been carefully observing the hordes of lawyers who had thronged the venue; the bulk comprised Christians and anti-Hindu dravidian Tamil chauvinists (as distinct from Tamil Hindus). This triggered the question 'why'? Why were RC Paul Kanagaraj and a dravidian Tamil S Prabakaran heading the Madras High Court Advocates' Association and the Tamil Nadu Advocates Association? How did they become Presidents of these organizations?
This question demanded an urgent response because these two individuals are credited with the dubious distinction of getting the Madras and Tamil Nadu Bar to espouse a foreign policy issue (which is not the domain of the judiciary), besides celebrating a notified Christian Tamil terrorist's birthday in the High Court premises; they are singularly responsible for paralyzing the Tamil Nadu judiciary which has worked for only ten days in this calendar year. The answer to the 'why and how' the state's advocates' associations slipped into their control is rooted in the peculiar reservations policy of successive dravidian Tamil Nadu governments, both DMK and AIADMK. Reservations which stand at 69%, is way above the national policy of 50% reservation quota for the socially and economic non-forward castes. So far, attempts to challenge this abnormality in the courts and bring it on par with the national numbers have met with ferocious opposition from all dravidian Tamil parties.
The Brahmins and other non-Brahmin forward castes, even if the families live in penury, are kept out of the reservation quota in higher education and government jobs. Children of economically backward temple pujaris who earn a pittance, children of socially and economically backward Brahmins who carry the dead in their community to the cremation ground, children of poverty-stricken vaidikas who do not eat two full meals in a day, are also kept out of the reservation quota regime. If a section of the Hindu forward castes are kept out of the quota regime, it would be expected that those brought into the quota spectrum would belong to the socially and economically backward 'castes'. But is that the case? How many of us know that the 'c' in the OBC and MBC is not caste but 'class' here and 'community' there. Economically backward Hindus are kept out of the empowering quota regime because of their 'caste' but Christians and Muslims are brought into the fold in the guise of 'class'.
The hidden face of religion behind reservations
- Let me cite the much-acclaimed Sachar Commission report, Table 10.3
- Around 40% of all Muslims are already enjoying the benefits of reservation under the OBC quota
- The percentage of Muslims and Christians who are cornering the benefits of reservation in the BC and OBC quota vary from state to state
- West Bengal – 2.4%
- Uttar Pradesh – 62%
- Kerala, where the Muslims constitute 25% of the total state population, 99% are classified as OBCs and are claiming reservation quota
- In Tamil Nadu 93.3% Muslims have been notified as OBC by the state government in 2004-2005 whereas in 1999-2000 83% of Muslims were notified as OBC – a steep increase of 10% in just five years!
- All-India population as per 2001 Census – 2.3% or 24.2 million
- 1/3 of all Christian population is tribal. Of the remaining 2/3, around 70% claim backward status
- North-east – 5.3 million tribal Christians which is 1/4 – 1/5 of the total Christian population. The North-east Christians are all tribal people
- Orissa – 8 lakh tribal Christians
· Bihar and Jharkhand – 1.1 million tribal Christians
· Of the remaining 16 million Christians, 60-70% of all Christians in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa are notified as OBCs with percentages varying from state to state as indicated earlier
- Only 10% of all Christians in the country are not availing of any kind of reservation and these would be largely the Goan and the Syrian Christians.
Now let us look at some hard facts about the politics and religion behind reservations.
- All-India reservation – total 50%. ST 7.5%, SC 15%, OBC 27.5%.
- All-India tribal population stands at 8.2% while all-India SC population is 16.2%
- Christians constitute only 10% of the total tribal population but they corner 90% of all ST reservation quotas in higher education and government employment.
- J&K has 11% tribal population but they probably get nothing.
- Around 70% of Christians and Muslims have been brought into the quota regime as backward communities or backward classes
- There is no category called Scheduled Caste Christians or Muslims. When the church demands reservation for so-called dalit Christians and God forbid, that it may ever happen, then the church will de-notify large segments of the OBC Christian population and re-classify them as Scheduled Castes so that they can corner all the benefits of SC reservation just as they are cornering all the benefits of the ST reservation quota.
This cornering is made possible only because of the constitutional right provided to minorities to start and run educational institutions. There is a move now afoot to equate degrees obtained from Muslim madarasas to the CBSE board so that the Muslims in the OBC spectrum may be enabled to corner another major chunk of the benefits of reservation just as the Christians are doing now.
Under the Gandhi-Nehru inspired secular political dispensation, Hindu OBCs and Hindu STs are being systematically disempowered economically just as the Hindus of the country are being disempowered politically. The economic and political disempowerment of the Hindus is directly proportional to the empowerment of the two most-well-organized so-called global Abrahamic minorities.
To get back to how the likes of Paul Kanagaraj and S Prabakaran have ascended to the powerful positions they now hold, we will have to look at the face of the religions behind the Tamil Nadu reservation quota regime. Paul Kanagaraj and S Prabakaran were elected Presidents by the advocates of the Madras High Court and Tamil Nadu courts respectively. These advocates have only to be registered in the Bar; it is of no consequence that they may not have made a single appearance in the court to argue a case. The bulk of these advocates enter the courts directly from law colleges where admission to the courses is governed by Tamil Nadu's distinctively anti-Hindu reservation policy.
What is true of admission to law colleges is true of medical colleges, engineering colleges, IITs, IIMs, and admission to all under-graduate and post-graduate courses in the Sciences and Humanities. Let us now look at the reservation quota regime in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu total 69% reservation
- 50% BC + MBC – 30% BC, 20% MBC
- 18% SC – 15% + 3% exclusively for Arundhatiyar community
- 1% for ST
- About 90% of all Muslims and Christians have been included for reservation under the 30% BC category
- 70% of all Tamil Nadu population is considered BC, a very unusual and high percentage.
- 50% of the 70% BC population is qualified for reservation.
Now let us see how this works in real terms by taking admission to medical colleges as an example. There are altogether 3000 medical seats of which 30% or 900 seats are allotted to the BC. 600 seats or 20% of the total are allotted to the MBC.
Christians constitute 6.5% of the total Tamil Nadu population while Muslims constitute 5.5%. Of the total 6.5% of Christians, 6.1% or around 80% of the total Christian population have been classified as BC. This is 1/9 of the total population. BC Christians were cornering 300 seats out of the 900 medical seats every year; that is 1/9 of the population was claiming 1/3 of the share of seats. And that is why Christian politicians and the Christian clergy met the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to ask him to rescind the order granting 3.5% reservation for Christians. The Tamil Nadu government promptly rescinded the order and allowed the Christians to come back into the 30% BC quota segment which was getting them phenomenal returns. Christians must be removed from the 30% BC quota unless we want a situation someday in the near future when they may rampage across the entire BC spectrum. Giving this super-forward religion even 3.5% quota is bad enough but allowing them to occupy the elephant's space in the BC quota segment is willful betrayal of the cause of Hindu backward classes.
The same would be true of all professional colleges and in admissions to all under-graduate and post-graduate degrees too. We must not be beguiled into thinking that the remaining seats go to Hindu BCs and MBCs. If we consider the possibility that preference in reservation is given to anti-Hindu, irreligious dravidian Tamils with marked political affiliations, then we begin to understand what is happening in the Madras High Court and in all other courts of Tamil Nadu. Reservation benefits are being hogged by the minorities and anti-Hindu dravidian Tamils. Tamil Hindu SCs, BCs and MBCs are being increasingly marginalized and alienated from the mainstream.
Events of February 17 and February 19 in the Madras High Court are only a violent expression of what has been happening for more than a decade now in Tamil Nadu's educational institutions of higher learning. The Tamil Nadu government had announced 3.5% exclusive reservation for Christians and Muslims. This 7% minority reservation quota was supposed to have been hived off the 30% BC reservation quota. In the beginning, the church welcomed the move but soon beat the retreat when it realised that under the 3.5% exclusive quota, Christian BCs were eligible only for 105 seats as against the 300 seats it was snatching from the mouths of Hindu BCs.
Now let us look at the last government deception which is proving fatal to Hindu Backward class and castes. According to the 2001 Census report which for the first time was collecting such data on the basis of religion, if we consider urbanization and literacy as indicators or indices of forwardness, then in Tamil Nadu –
- Male literacy is Christians 90%, Muslims also 90%, Hindus 81.5%
- Female literacy is Christians 82%, Muslims 76%, Hindus 62.5%
- Urbanized percentage – Christians 56%, Muslims 73%, Hindus 41%
If we have to avert a social bloody revolution, then Indian polity must begin to define forward and backward and also address the anomaly of the 'c' in FC and BC. Keeping Hindus out of reservation on the basis of caste but bringing in the Christians and Muslims into the quota regime with the fig-leaf of class is disempowering more and more socially and economically backward Hindus. Classifying Christians as backward is akin to classifying the Brahmin caste as backward class just to enable them to corner the empowering benefits of affirmative reservations in higher education and government employment. This is perversion and anti-Hinduism of the most shameless kind. The Sachar Commission Report and the Tamil Nadu reservation policy rest on some fuzzy all-India misconceptions and deceptions whereas the truth of the backwardness of the Hindus, if one goes by the 2001 census indices of forwardness, is more acute and visible. Hindu caste, religious and political leaders must wake up to this appalling truth. The silence had to be broken yet again.
Radha Rajan,
17th March, 2009.