Monday, December 08, 2008

Lashkar Shows Its Sweet Face

Pak forces are claiming to have "raided" a Lashkar school, in response to international pressure.

Here's another interesting article from CSM on Lashkar-e-Taiba's so-called "charitable arm".

Regarding Myra MacDonald, she writes like she's in Pakistan's hip-pocket.
I remember debating her on her blog once, when she claimed that Muslims have been fearing BJP for several decades. When I told her that BJP didn't exist before 1982, and that it had only held a few seats until about 1989, she became irritated and said I was distracting from her points. She's an absolute idiot.


Sameer said...

Hey, Assembly results are out..
BJP retains MP and Chattisgarh, loses in Rajasthan and does not win Delhi.
Kaangress wins in Mizoram, Delhi and Rajasthan, they are gloating and the media is going ga ga, forgetting that they lost badly in Karnataka and Gujarat.

san said...

We need to abandon this sisyphian circular merry-go-round. For those populations who want to be fickle and rotate back to Kaangress every few years, then it's better to abandon them and build up certain state constituencies into unassailable fortresses into which longterm investments can be made for development.