Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Quick notes: 5G trials | Displaced tribals...

  • 5G trials: Modi sarkar allows Huawei to conduct 5G trials in India

    - Chinese hackers bypassing Two-Factor Authentication

    - China's intelligence services stole volumes of intellectual property from scores of companies in a hack dubbed "Cloud Hopper" that was worse than previously assumed

  • The cold war no one is watching: China's ability to manufucture weaponry is much more efficient and advanced than India's.. It has consistently and aggressively underwritten the modernization of the arms industry in the form of steadily increasing defense budgets. This is paying off in terms of making China a more formidable force to reckon with.

  • Displacing native tribals, bringing in Christists? How Kerala govt’s forced relocation has deprived tribal communities of their rights. Many are now struggling to survive away from the forest area, which generations of tribal communities have relied on for resources and their livelihood.

  • Sadhguru on CAA & NRC: Calmly sends liberal dead bodies to the morgue.

  • Showing the way: Former students of NIT, Trichy commit $3 million for research activities at their alma mater and for the institute's scholarships programmes. . . . hope others will follow.

  • Power plant emissions: Mazda challenges EV assumptions, claims long-range EVs are bad for the planet . . . . India should focus on Hybrids for now

  • Indian Navy bans Facebook, restricts smartphone use: The directive comes weeks after seven sailors were nabbed for leaking information to Pakistan after being virtually honey-trapped on social media. . . . . . US Navy bans TikTok .

  • Your data is your property: Don't let billionaires profit from it

  • Kneeling down: A space debris accord with US to clip India's options

  • Fearless Hindu: 19 year old negotiates important policy changes at Stanford University to serve his Hindu lifestyle.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Andhra police form 'Soldiers for Jesus' group

This is a naked attempt to intimidate Hindus using official machinery
of the state government of Andhra Pradesh and a precursor to forcible
conversions of vulnerable sections of the population to the Abrahamic
binary death cult.

This is a rapacious assault on the constitution, freedom, democracy and
the very antithesis of genuine "secularism" i.e. the separation of Church
and State.

The morons in the predatory Christist NGO aka the USCIRF will, of course
not care about this atrocity. In fact, they may derive an unspeakable pleasure of
a sadistic nature - witnessing the audacity of "Christian Love" in action, destroying
an ancient civilization that intends no harm to them.

"Religious Freedom" as defined by the evangelical USCIRF constitutes the
"freedom" to "choose" one of several Christist denominations such as
Pentacostal ["Pentacoastal" in Andhra :) ], Methodist, Southern Baptist etc.

Because of the perfidy of the TDP falling into John Reddy's trap of
"special status" etc., John Reddy was able to score a spectacular electoral victory
and Modi Sarkar needs John Reddy's support to pass critical legislation in the
Rajya Sabha.

However, this is an unacceptable infringement of the religious freedom of Hindus and their right
to exist peacefully in the cradle of their 30,000 year old civilization.

I do hope that it is challenged through all possible legal and constitutional means.
Hindu employees of other state governments have been terminated for much less -
for example, simply attending a RSS Shakha in their free time in Madhya Pradesh.

The Union government must also take note and prevent an unimpeded orgy by
the soul vultures.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Quick notes: Spin is off | Trade war lost...

  • “Sheltering Minority Refugees Act”: This govt simply does not understand the art of telling its story and managing the narrative internationally.

  • KKKaangress foments unrest: Joins hands with Breaking India forces. 

  • Economy in a mess: States say Centre close to sovereign default.

  • Mohandas Pai: BJP's big disconnect with South and East India

  • Unified Payments Interface: Google thinks India’s UPI can become a global model.

  • Trump lost the trade war: China stood firm and won. The sad truth is that the U.S. will continue to run huge wealth and technology transfers to China financed by America’s increasing net foreign debt that will show as net foreign assets on China’s books.

    If losing some $17 billion in agricultural exports to China due to the trade war was tough for farmers, imagine a much larger market, with China taking some $50 billion away from American agribusiness in the future should relations deteriorate.

    This is not France versus Germany. This is a capitalist democracy versus a Frankenstein economy that’s one-part capitalist, one part state-controlled, and run by a single political party — the Communist Party — long considered the enemy of Western democracies.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christist district collector of Guntur, A.P gloats about Bibul Rajyam


John Jagan Reddy has given a free run to Christist soul vultures to carry out mass conversions in
Andhra Pradesh and obliterate all traces of Hinduism.

Christism has become the veritable state religion of A.P.
In the enclosed video, the District collector of Guntur, A.P presumably an
IAS officer who is sworn to uphold the constitution of India - openly gloats about “Kraistava Biddalu” (Christist children) finding employment as Village, Ward volunteers - a new position
created by the state government of A.P to intimidate the poor, create conditions of destitution that
would be fertile ground for opportunistic evangelical hyenas.

The John Reddy government is linking Food security to faith in the so-called
“Jesus”.  Nehruvian Stalinists had a stranglehold on the Public Distribution System
for decades - all ration shop owners across the country were traditionally Kaangress party workers.
This was modeled after the suffocating Soviet way of enforcing loyalty to the Communist party by
controlling access to Food.

John Reddy’s goons have surpassed the Nehruvian Stalinists by officially propagating
Christianity as the state religion of Andhra Pradesh using the Public Distribution System.

I’m concerned that if this is allowed to go on unimpeded - Andhra Pradesh will be rapidly converted to paraphrase Mr. Trump into a “$hithole country” like Colombia, Haiti etc.

How can we contribute as proud citizens of a 30,000 year old civilizational entity
to prevent Andhra Pradesh and all of India being pushed back to the dark medieval ages and
enslaved by the hateful missionary hyenas?


Monday, December 16, 2019

Christist Pastor in Andhra kicks Hindu deities in "Christ villages"


UNHCR, USCIRF etc. will have nothing to say about this, of course. Nor will Obama, Premila Jeypaul, Bernie Sanders et al.

Their definition of “religious freedom” constitutes the unimpeded freedom of totalitarian evangelicals to fulfill the imperative of their "civilizing" mission
which merely entails forcing their Abrahamic belief systems down the throats of Hindus.

Hindus are considered sub-human "heathens" who do not even deserve the basic universal human right to preserve their ancestral heritage, practice their faith and traditions unmolested in the cradle of their ancient civilization.

Having conquered the North East and obliterated all traces of Hinduism there; brainwashed, disenfranchised, deracinated and disempowered Hindus in Gerala and Dumeel Nadu - Andhra Pradesh has the great “good fortune” of being in the crosshairs of the soul vultures right now for delivery of the “good news” on an urgent basis.

The recipients of the “good news” have the “freedom” to “choose” among several denominations such as Catholic, Southern Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal etc.

If the soul vultures succeed in achieving their dominion in Andhra Pradesh, a new Christist country will be declared and get immediate diplomatic recognition by inimical powers. East Timor, Sudan will be replicated overnight in Southern India.

Hindu disunity and lack of strategic foresight  (separating Telangana - which, I freely admit as a supporter of the Telangana cause was a huge strategic blunder!) and the arrogance of key Hindu politicians has proved to be a catalyst enabling the ferocious attack on Andhra Pradesh by rabid missionary hyenas.

Make no mistake - a Civil war is being imposed on India and Hindus by inimical forces. This a final battle that the Hindu nation must fight to win ... for its very existence.

BreakingIndia forces must be defeated.

The 21st anniversary of the “Stain removal” in Odisha is fast approaching.

A question to all my Telugu friends:
ఈ ల౦జకొడుకు కాళృు నరకే వాడు ఎవరూ లేద ?

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Quick notes: Real-time translation | Han overlords...

  • Real-Time Translation: Google's Interpreter Mode is here, and it will listen and translate up to 44 languages in real time. . . . . Boon for multi-lingual India.

  • China sprinting ahead in computer chips: Chinese company unveiled next-generation x86 SoC plans: 32-Core servers, sub-7nm client designs by 2021

  • Most of us won't be using 5G until 2025: 5G in 2020 is mostly a hype fest. . . . . . Investment needed for nationwide 5G? $2 trillion to $3 trillion

  • Afraid of their Han overlords: Pakistan halts investigation into sale of 629 Pakistani brides to China. Several women refused to testify because of threats from govt officials

  • Say no to Halal: Scientists disproved Islamic belief that blood drainage will only be complete if the throat of the animal is slit without stunning it first

  • Russian-Made Vikramaditya Was A Hunk Of Junk: With the job halfway done, and having already dropped $974 million, India could not afford to walk away from the deal. In 2010, India agreed to more than double the budget for the carrier to $2.2 billion.

  • Ek Kauwa Pyasa Tha:

  • Will they deliver? The startups driving India’s EV ambition

Why include Christists in the CAB?

The inclusion of Christists in the Citizenship Amendment Bill is a curious, unforced tactical error by Shri. Narendra bhai Modi and Shri. Amit bhai Shah, perhaps intended to score brownie points with the West.

India already has a rapidly exploding population of over 100 million Christists and is targeted by rabid evangelicals from around the world. India is not a “Dharamshala” that can accommodate anybody and everybody.

India already has too many rabid dogs like John Dayal, Cedric Prakash, Valson Thampu, Brother Anil Kumar Sastry et al.

Christists from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Beggardesh can choose from over 200 Christist countries to immigrate to.

If not for scoring brownie points with the West, it could be “ChanakyaNeeti” to portray it as providing succour to all persecuted religious minorities in neighbouring countries - ensuring that the morons in the Indian judiciary cannot strike it down on the grounds of “discrimination”. This is consistent with Shri. Amit Shah’s argument that “Rohingyas are not included because they come via Beggardesh”, which is devious and clever, but fundamentally absurd to the point of being hilarious!

Will Hindus in India really welcome Rohingyas & Uighurs with open arms if they arrive at the border directly and not "via Beggardesh"?

GOI should have paid lip service by “condemning” their “persecution”. At the most, facilitated their onward journey to a Christist country which will be happy to have them.

Persecuted Hindu victims of Islamist genocide from those three countries have nowhere else to run other than India - where, alas - native Hindus themselves are becoming increasingly vulnerable. Entire regions and entire states of India itself are unsafe for Hindus.

Imagine the intensity and depth of hatred for Hindus and their civilization that opponents of the Citizenship Amendment Bill - such as Sonia Ghandy, Naseeruddin Shah, Javed Akthar, Tavleen Singh, Asaduddin Owaisi, et al nurture in their hearts ... that they cannot tolerate even a minor administrative move to alleviate the suffering of destitute Hindu refugees escaping genocide!

In reality, their vociferous and vile propaganda seeking denial of Indian citizenship rights to Hindu refugees seeks to de-humanize them and perpetuate their statelessness until eternity!

Nothing would please them more than Hindus in India proper also being reduced to refugees, destitution and statelessness.

Incisive article by Shri. Rakesh Krishnan Simha detailing Paki Christist collaboration in the bloody partition of India in 1947.


Monday, December 09, 2019

Quick notes: Chinese students | Mobile payments...

  • Free from English-medium burden: Chinese students far out-stripped peers in every other country in a survey of reading, math and science ability. In reading, the 10% most disadvantaged Chinese students tested had better skills than the OECD average.

  • Made in China 2025: Taiwan loses 3,000 chip engineers to ‘Made in China 2025’. . . . . . China is both the world's largest importer and consumer of semiconductors. It currently produces just 16% of the semiconductors fuelling its tech boom. But it has plans to produce 40% of all semiconductors it uses by 2025.

  • India doesn't want chip technology, India wants VikAss: American waste ends up in Kanpur. 25 containers reached via Mundra Port by Adani Ports while the remaining 13 arrived via Navi Mumbai. Further, they were transported to Kanpur by a truck.

  • Google and Walmart Push India’s Billionaires Out of Mobile Payments: Not all of India’s tycoons are giving up on the business. Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man, has been testing a payments service whose launch date is unknown. With an estimated net worth of $56 billion, Ambani has the firepower to take on giants like Google, Ant, and Facebook. But he may need plenty of patience, too. “This is an extremely competitive race. Only the companies that stay invested in the long run and win the trust of the customer will last.”

  • Realestate in post-car world: An apartment complex with 636 units in Tempe, Arizona will be the first in the country to ban private cars. There is no parking, either on-site or off-site, for residents. There will still be plenty of transportation options—just not private cars—and the developer intends to take this idea to other U.S. cities next.

  • Bacteriophages: The Virus That Kills Drug-Resistant Superbugs

  • Comfort cows: Cow cuddling is a practice from Netherlands called "koe knuffelen," and it’s meant to get people back in touch with nature. "You’d think interacting with a big animal wouldn’t be relaxing, but it is shockingly relaxing."

  • Madhav Gadgil: Through his work, he realised how unscientific and irrational was the manner in which development projects were often cleared in India. “While on a committee to assess the environmental impact of a hydroelectric project on the Bedthi river, I went on a field trip with an engineer from Rajasthan. I noticed that a large bloodstain was slowly spreading across his spotless white shirt and quickly realised that a leech at the project site must have bitten him. When I drew his attention to the blood, the poor man got the shock of his life. Coming from dry Rajasthan, he had no idea what a leech was. When I told him that such creatures thrive in tropical rain forests, he was aghast at my foolish notion that such forests were worth saving.”

    “When I was 12 years old, I went on a trek to the Sahyadri along with a friend. It was summer and we were very thirsty. We found a temple on a hilltop that had a well. When we requested the priest for water, he asked us if we were Brahmins. My friend belonged to the mali [gardener] caste. I replied that neither of us was Brahmin. Hence, we were refused water. That day, I decided not to have anything to do with a religion that stops someone from giving water to a thirsty 12-year-old boy.”

  • What makes this illegal? 'Tantrik' poojas at temple in Andhra Pradesh creates stir. . . . Can someone explain why it is illegal?

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Debris of Crashed Vikram Lander Found by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

The debris field of the crashed Vikram lander has been found on images taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter:


The impact location was 600m from the intended landing site, with lots of debris strewn over a wide area.

ISRO's going to have to explain how they came out with statements that the lander was turned on its side but intact, because that's obviously not what's shown in the latest images.

Quick notes: Bad loans | RCEP sequel...

  • Indian banks wrote off Rs 2 trillion in bad loans in 2018-19: Even if the loan recovery rate were to improve to 50% in coming years, India’s banks would still never be able to recover Rs 5 trillion from various errant corporate borrowers.

  • Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train: Not a priority, says Shiv Sena 

  • A swadeshi success story: 640 coaches of Train 18 to be manufactured in coming years

  • RCEP: Japan won’t sign China-backed RCEP if India doesn’t join. . . .  Tokyo indicates efforts are on to address India’s concerns on RCEP

  • Get a house that lasts three lifetimes in just 3 days: Light gauge steel, said to be rust-free and stronger than regular steel, is used to build the house frame.  The frame is then filled with thermoforming, following which concrete is sprayed from the inside as well as the outside to make six-inch-thick walls. These buildings are environmentally-friendly, as there is no burning of bricks.

  • Resurrection of Bateshwar Temples: KK Muhammed, the anti-Ghazni

  • Throwing my garbage into your home: Bengaluru sends truckloads of trash – full of maggots, flies and dengue-bearing mosquitoes – to the landfills in villages around us, filling the air with stench, polluting their water, ruining their fertile lands, poisoning their cattle, and destroying their health. The trash dumps are conveniently located (for us, not for them) – far from the city, so we don’t have to see where our trash goes.

  • VikAss: India's sacred groves are disappearing, taking biodiversity and culture with them. Over the last 60 years, the number of sacred groves in Kerala has shrunk from more than 10,000 to less than 1,500.

  • UP govt's love for booze: The state govt requires sugar mills to provide fixed amount of molasses to alcoholic drinks manufacturers at rates well below market levels

  • Ferry Operators Switching From Diesel to Batteries: “This is a good idea because it quiets the boats while obviously removing tons of diesel fuel emissions. It saves millions of dollars annually.”

  • Nuclear capable Agni-III missile fails in maiden night trial: “Suddenly it started behaving abnormally. It could be possibly due to metallurgical defects”.