Friday, October 21, 2011

pretty bad ends: najibullah, gaddafi. who's next? with isi rampant, karzai?

oct 21st, 2011 CE

najibullah was captured by the taliban, had his genitals stuffed into his mouth, and then he was hanged from a lamppost, before his body was dragged around kabul from a jeep.

gaddafi's story we know.

this is the fate of fallen leaders of the secular variety. 

actually it goes back further. in the subcontinent, the ISI's fingerprints are all over the place.

zulfiqar "grass-eater" bhutto was hanged.

zia "exploding manoges" had his plane blown up (along with robin raphel's dear husband on board).

mujibur rahman was massacred along with most of his family.

i am sure there are other salutary tales, but this is all i can think of in the arab-secular world.

with this sort of history, i think hamid karzai had better watch out and have a plan b.

(yes, i am aware india's secular leaders have also had grim endings, but that's not the point.)

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