Friday, January 21, 2011

so what exactly is a miracle?

jan 19th, 2011

the pseudo seculars are in full cry about their alleged finding that the makara jyoti at sabarimala is a manmade event. 

actually if so, that is truly a miracle: in kerala, where nothing works, if somebody has been able to light a light at the appointed time for not one, not two, but fifty years in a row, that is nothing short of miraculous!

actually, the light has been seen for not for fifty years, but for several thousand. see my old column on sabarimala:

zuan xang or hsiuen tsang validates the fact that there was a light there, an ancient tradition when he arrived circa 700 CE.

so how exactly has this light been lit for all this time, at the designated time, especially when there were no cellphones or other means of communication in the old days?

so i have to believe this is a true miracle.

those who are 'rationalists' need not believe it is a miracle. but then they must concede that the godman wojtza's alleged miracles, and the godwoman MT's alleged miracles, are not miracles, either. (for MT, monica basra's 'miracle tumor cure' was attributed by doctors to chemotherapy! the other 'miracle' was overexposed film!)

but ah, there's the rub. any semitic 'miracle' is a miracle according to them.

here's the details of what constitutes 'miracles' for godman wojtza. ROTFL.

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