Wednesday, June 30, 2010

shahzad spills the beans on what mohammedans think of terrorism

jun 29th, 2010

based on this -- esp the unrepentance part -- there is the likelihood that shahzad will be hanged.

they don't have any rubber-stamps who will give 'clemency'. but then, barack hussein obama, the manchurian, may.

all this need not surprise us -- we have seen long ago how some qazi calmly described how he'd enslave and convert all hindus. this is that real red-blooded mohammedan pakistanis think, not some vague bhai-bhai. see below.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Any bhai-bhai talk my Muslims is conscious or subconscious Taqiyah, or the talk of a "Muslim" ignorant of what his religion truly teaches. For if Quran has about a dozen verses demanding that the believer sever ties with their own family if such persons are unbelievers, then there is no way there can be any civilizational bhai-bhai. More like 'bye-bye'.