Wednesday, February 10, 2010

nehru dynasty person suspended from amnesty international

feb 9th, 2010

will wonders never cease?

a nehru dynasty person dares to whistle-blow against a mohammedan terrorist (that too, apparently a pakistani-origin british terrorist)?


so what do the plince, the plincess and the queen have to say about auntie? that she is a black sheep?

and amnesty international has discredited itself through its support for mohammedan terrorists, perhaps as much as IPCC has been discredited. how come there is no comment to that effect? no belly-aching by london times, london telegraph, etc? why, is it because they get paid by saudi arabia (in addition to china for anti-climate-change noise)?

so is amnesty as corrupt as IPCC? HT
: Amnesty axes Nehru kin gita sahgal whistleblower on GITMO terrorist

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