Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hamas Leader Assassinated

A leader of the military wing of Hamas has been assassinated. I notice that the Israelis don't spare the rod when hitting at their enemies. I guess they have a survival instinct, unlike us.


exosing christianity's true agenda said...

We definitely have a survival instinct. It's just that the Indian political system breeds the LOWEST kind of corruption. Indian leaders (esp. Congressis) get money from D-Company in their Swiss Bank accounts, then the islamic terrorists kill a few hundred Hindus. This is how it works. Our politicos collect the bribes, innocent Hindus are killed and a few strong comments are issued and nothing happens. We have to create a system where any possible traitors are scared to turn a blind eye to terror. We have to make it unprofitable to terrorize Hindus.

Killing Jews and white people is NOT profitable. Either action will earn muslims carpet bombing and extreme suffering, so they think before doing it. After 9-11, America rightfully vaporized hundreds of thousands of islamists. Not a peep from pakistanis in the US. Why? Because pakis know that if they dared to oppose such action their asses would be shipped back to pakistan and they would no longer enjoy a western lifestyle and western income.

See how it works?

It's profitable to wipe out Hindus. That's why Indian politicians allow it to happen and islamists do it.

Sameer said...

Indians (Hindus) survived hundreds of years of Islamic holocaust and Christist inquisition.
Yes, we are attacked by 4M forces.. hope we survive and emerge victorious...