Sunday, April 19, 2009

SlumDaddy Wants to be a Millionaire

The father of Rubina Ali has been caught on film by a British newspaper, trying to sell his daughter. Obviously he couldn't sell his testicles, since he has none.


CVSMurty said...

Although it is off-topic, I thought this news item is of interest to the readers of this blog.

‘India's Muslims See Bias in Housing’

Emily, a Washington Post journalist reports that Muslims in India are shunned by their Hindu compatriots and she relates this to the Mumbai attacks of late last year.

Is it any wonder that ordinary citizens exhibit this kind of behavior, when they are unable to distinguish good Muslims from potential terrorists? One should not lose sight of the fact that there are reports about educated Muslims themselves being involved in jehadi warfare and terrorist attacks all over the world, including India.

non-carborundum said...

There is no need to get too indignant about this. This is entrapment plain and simple. For two million pounds Danny Boyle would sell his own children.

BTW, there are significant differences from the original plot:

"The Bombay Hindu-Muslim riots play no role in the book, as the ethnic or religious heritage of the main character is uncertain. In the book, the character of Jamal is instead named 'Ram Mohammad Thomas.' He has been given a Hindu name, Muslim name, and Christian name by the village elders in order to maintain the balance among all the religious communities after his mother abandons him at birth. Unlike Jamal, Ram does not have a biological brother, and instead Salim is his best friend in the novel. He grows up in an orphanage, and his only 'brothers' are his fellow orphans. He never meets his mother. Ram is adopted by a Christian priest as a youth, which is how he learns English, and then is nearly molested by a visiting priest. The priest scenes are not included in the film script, and the movie does not explain how Jamal learns fluent English. Latika is not his childhood friend in the book but rather a prostitute named Nita with whom Ram falls in love when he visits a brothel at age 17."