Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump Won't Talk to Taliban

Trump rules out talks with Taliban, in the wake of massive bomb attacks in Kabul:

India feels the US can do more. Pakistan of course denies its role in such attacks:

Monday, January 29, 2018

China's New "Polar Silk Road" Route

China has more recently been looking at opening up a "Polar Silk Road" route that travels north of China and through Arctic waters to get to Europe:


If such a route were to be developed and be significantly used by China, it could reduce the leverage of India's sea denial strategy for potentially blockading Chinese shipping through the Indian ocean. It could also increase Russian fears of Chinese encroachment in the long run, as Russia also has designs on the resources of the Arctic, including particularly oil & gas resources.


The Polar route would really only be open during the summer months though, and would be frozen during the winter.

Is Kamal Haasan A New Kejriwal?

Lucknow-born Kamal Hassan has suddenly thrown his hat into the arena of Tamil Nadu politics. He's giving off a variety of political signals - sometimes talking of Dravidian identity, sometimes talking about Indian nationalism. He's also in the past espoused phrases like "Gandhian Marxism". The only clear statement he's ever given about his politics, is in saying "saffron is not my colour".

Sunday, January 28, 2018

India & China Reinforce Airbases Near Doklam

Stratfor reports that India and China have eached augmented their forces at airbases nearby the Doklam plateau:

Friday, January 26, 2018


“Neodämmerung” from Matrix Revolutions

  • असतो मा सद् गमय ।
    तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
    मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय ॥
    From the unreal (delusion) lead me to the real (truth).
    From the darkness lead me to the light.
    From death lead me to immortality.
    -- Brihad Aranyaka (1.3.28)

  • विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद्वेदोभयँ सह ।
    अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते ॥
    Pursuing both Vidya and Avidya, he overcomes death by transcending them -- Isha Upanishad (11)   .. (pursuing Vidya alone leads to pride/delusion)

  • यस्मिन् द्यौः पृथिवी चान्तरिक्षमोतं ।
    मनः सह प्राणैश्च सर्वैः ।
    तमेवैकं जानथ आत्मानमन्या वाचो ।
    विमुञ्चथामृतस्यैष सेतुः ॥
    In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air.
    And in him rest the mind and all the powers of life.
    Know him as the One and leave aside all other words.
    He is the bridge of immortality -- Mundaka Upanishad (2.2.5)

  • इन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनो मनसः सत्त्वमुत्तमम् ।
    सत्त्वादधि महानात्मा महतोऽव्यक्तमुत्तमम् ॥
    Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the mind is reason, its essence. Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all. -- Katha Upanishad (6.7)

  • यदा पञ्चावतिष्ठन्ते ज्ञानानि मनसा सह ।
    बुद्धिश्च न विचेष्टते तामाहुः परमां गतिम् ।
    भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः ॥
    When the five senses and the mind are still. And reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme -- Katha Upanishad (6.10)

  • भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः ।
    क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन् दृष्टे परावरे ॥
    And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened. The doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more -- Mundaka Upanishad (2.2.8)

  • The Matrix Wiki

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fwd: Afghanistan on a slow fuse+The arc to Southeast India+New Delhi forum props up ‘Quad’ stance, refuses to listen to China voice

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From: Sanjeev Nayyar

2. Import for India in this Outreach as led by PM Modi 24.1.18 by Kanwal Sibal http://businessworld.in/article/-Import-For-India-In-This-India-s-Outreach-As-Led-By-PM-Modi-/24-01-2018-138228/
3. ASEAN Heads – A Diplomatic Coup 25.1.18 by G Parthasarathy http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/a-diplomatic-coup/533723.html
Others like Laos and Cambodia do not appear uncomfortable at all with Chinese policies. It is only Vietnam and Indonesia which appear prepared to assert their rights on territorial issues.
Vietnam has insisted on moving ahead with oil exploration along its maritime frontiers. India, in turn, is going ahead with oil exploration contracts with Vietnam, noting that the ONGC exploration is not connected with territorial disputes.
4. Is it time to revise India's nuclear policy 24.1.18 by Pradip Sagar http://www.theweek.in/books/is-it-time-to-revise-india-nuclear-doctrine.html
Over the last 16 years, civilian casualties have mounted to 31,000, increasing progressively to over 4,000 a year. The Afghan security forces are losing nearly 7,000 men a year
The U.S. has contributed significant blood and treasure, spending over a trillion dollars (considerably more if long-term veterans' care is included) and losing more than 2,400 lives in pursuing the longest war in its history.
But it is no match for China's regional profile which is largely about viewing Southeast Asia as its backyard. India's economic focus too is not in tune with other regional powers which view ASEAN as an important market for exports and investments. India's export sector remains weak.
The three Cs of commerce, connectivity and culture have been highlighted but a more granular perspective is needed in terms of a forging a forward-looking approach.
the Indian IT sector may take some advantage of the seeming reluctance of ASEAN states to put all their eggs in the Chinese basket. India as a facilitator of the ASEAN-wide digital economy would not only challenge China but also emerge as an economic guarantor of its own.
In this context, prompt completion of the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway, which will run from Moreh in Manipur to Mae Sot in Thailand via Myanmar, is key
7. New Delhi forum props up 'Quad' stance, refuses to listen to China voice OPED 25.1.18 http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1086591.shtml
8. Let saner advice prevail 25.1.18 by Talat Masood https://tribune.com.pk/story/1617140/6-let-saner-advice-prevail/
9. India needs to take the Chinese threat at Doklam seriously 25.1.18 by Minhaz Merchant https://www.dailyo.in/politics/doklam-crisis-indo-china-relations-pakistan-us-india-ties-harry-harris-bipin-rawat/story/1/21965.html
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Pakistan’s Dam despair+DOKLAM Phase 2 will test India more than phase+US no longer predominates in South China Sea

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From: Sanjeev Nayyar

Reading the Global Times it is clear that Mind Games are a clear part of China's 2018 India Strategy. No wonder GT has a separate section for India. They want to weaken Indian resolve. Having said that some points are well made and a reality check for over-enthusiastic Indians.
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has shown that the US could be defied with little consequence. North Korea's Kim Jong-un has treated Trump's tweet bluster with rants of his own, and in the face of the dangerous complexities of the situation in the Korean peninsula, the US is compelled to seek China's help in controlling the worst from happening. Even South Korea is defying the US calls to isolate and sanction the North Korean regime.
SN – India is escalating border firing, not only its own doing. Are border firings the only way to deal with Pakistan. What about stopping Trade at Wagah Border?
3. DOKLAM Phase 2 will test India more than phase 1 23.1.18 MINT editorial http://www.livemint.com/Opinion/5ZTEKWGtdv0M6A0BWM7g1L/Doklam-phase-II-will-test-India-more-than-phase-I.html
Pakistan's determination to build the Diamer Basha Dam (DBD) project with indigenous funding may prove even more difficult than obtaining foreign funding.
5. India can't become global economic giant until domestic multinationals flourish 22.1.18 http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1086068.shtml To accelerate its economic growth, India needs its own high-quality companies, and to have its own top-tier multinationals, India needs to cultivate a more open environment for entrepreneurship.
6. Ghani's admission and Afghan conflict 23.1.18 https://tribune.com.pk/story/1615342/6-ghanis-admission-afghan-conflict/
7. China's domestically made aircraft carrier better than India's: military experts 22.1.18 http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1086000.shtml
8. US no longer predominates in South China Sea 22.1.18 OPED http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1086049.shtml
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Quick notes: Trump quotes Modi, IRS 2017...

  • Trump quotes Modi to support Afghanistan stand: Senior administration officials said that the president has been known to affect an Indian accent and imitate Indian PM Narendra Modi, who in an Oval Office meeting last year told him, “Never has a country given so much away for so little in return” as the United States in Afghanistan. To Trump, Modi’s statement was proof that the rest of the world viewed the United States as being duped and taken advantage of in Afghanistan, these officials said. 

  • 'We will tear them down': Turkey launches attack on US-backed Kurds in northern Syria 

  • Really? Chinese engineering has become so advanced that Germany has begun talks to buy sophisticated aerospace technology and manufacturing equipment for the production of high-performance jet engines.... China's next aircraft carrier will be a Massive Leap Forward

  • China to create new forests the size of Ireland: The govt is currently promoting an “ecological red line” program which will force provinces and regions to restrict “irrational development” and curb construction near rivers, forests and national parks.

  • Survey: India's richest 1% grabbed 73% of wealth generation in 2017

  • IRS 2017: No English dailies in top 10 

Documentary on Surgical Strikes

The History Channel recently aired a documentary on Indian Army's surgical strikes against Pakistan's terror camps to avenge the Uri attack - here are some highlights:

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jared Kushner May Be Target of Chinese Influence

Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner may be the focus of Chinese attempts to gain influence in the Trump Whitehouse:

Afghans Award Trump 'Medal of Bravery'

Afghans of Logar province were so happy at US President Donald Trump's tough stance against Pakistan over its support to terror, that they collected money to have a gold medallion made as an 'award of bravery' for Trump:


Eyewitnesses Describe 26/11-Style Attack on Kabul Hotel

Eyewitness accounts describe an attack on Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel which bears a close resemblance to the 26-11 attack on Mumbai:


The terrorist attackers went after foreign guests in particular, since foreign deaths are more likely to grab international attention. Unnamed Afghan security officials are saying that the attack was a joint collaboration of ISI & the Haqqani network.

India should be wary - there's always the possibility that Pakistan could carry out a similar attack on India to make it look impotent.

The recent border firings across LOC that have claimed a dozen Pakistani soldiers' lives are occurring right after the launch of Cartosat-2F. Its realtime high-resolution video allows Indian jawans to have the upper hand in any engagement.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Movie Review: Salyut-7

In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts are sent to rescue the out-of-control space station Salyut-7, with which contact has been lost:

Like "Apollo 13", this Russian-made movie is based on real life events and is full of gripping suspense and drama, so if you enjoyed the former, you'll enjoy this one too. Special FX are even better than the movie "Gravity" (shocking fact: the movie was made for only $7 million USD)

Fwd: Dharma Civilization Foundation - Obituary Announcement - Prof. Shiva G Bajpai

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From: Kalyan Viswanathan <kalyan@dcfusa.org>
Date: Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 1:22 PM
Subject: Dharma Civilization Foundation - Obituary Announcement - Prof. Shiva G Bajpai

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Prof. Shiva G Bajpai

(July 13, 1933 – January 13, 2018)


Dear Friends & Supporters of DCF,

With great sadness, the Board of Directors of Dharma Civilization Foundation, announce that our Founding President, Dr. Shiva Bajpai, passed away on Saturday January 13th 2017. 

Dr. Shiva G. Bajpai, as a Professor of History, taught at California State University Northridge (CSUN) from 1970 to 2003 and continued to offer classes at CSUN until 2010.  Professor Bajpai's teaching focused on the history of India and World History, and he created and directed the Asian Studies interdisciplinary major at CSUN from its inception.  He came to CSUN by way of Banaras, India, London, and the University of Minnesota.  After completing his B. A. and M. A. at the Banaras Hindu University, Bajpai then taught for several years at the Banaras Hindu University and the University of Gorakhpur.   Professor Bajpai undertook graduate work at London's School of Oriental and African Studies with Professor A. L. Basham, receiving his Ph. D. in the history of classical and medieval India in 1967.   He then moved to the University of Minnesota to work as the co-author and co-editor of a magisterial work, the Historical Atlas of South Asia, which was published in 1978 and updated in 1992, which remains the standard in the field and the essential tool for understanding the "wonder that was (and still is) India" to create the book "The History of Hindu India" intended for middle school as a corrective to the erroneous material common in the officially prescribed textbooks. The book has also been turned into a well-received five-part documentary series available on Hinduism Today. When Professor Bajpai retired from active teaching, he found himself engulfed in a new struggle that came to be called the "California Text-Book controversy", which centered on the teaching of the history of India and Hinduism in California K-12 schools.

From 2005 to 2009, he worked with the staff of You Tube.  His encounter with the existing entrenched challenges in the narratives about Hinduism in the academy, further led him to the founding of Dharma Civilization Foundation. Serving as its first President and a trustee, Bajpai helped guide and shape its mission, which was to "facilitate and promote" the understanding of India's Civilization, Religion and Culture through education,  by establishment of centers, endowed chairs at undergraduate and graduate colleges and universities, new courses, scholarship, and journals. In this capacity, Professor Bajpai guided Dharma Civilization Foundation in creating the Center for Dharma Studies at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, in a very short period of time. DCF is now involved in several initiatives both in California and around the world at all levels of higher education. 

We celebrate the life of Prof. Shiva Bajpai, and will deeply miss him, even as we rededicate ourselves to the vision and mission of Dharma Civilization Foundation, that he helped create and nurture.


Board of Trustees & Executive Team of DCF

Promoting the Understanding of India's Civilization, Religion and Culture through Education 

www.dcfusa.org       19010 Tribune Street, Porter Ranch, CA 91326    info@dcfusa.org

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Fwd: [New post] Cultural Misappropriation: The spiritual deceits of Jules Monchanin, Henri Le Saux and Bede Griffiths – Aravindan Neelakandan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ishwar Sharan
Date: Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 3:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: [New post] Cultural Misappropriation: The spiritual deceits of Jules Monchanin, Henri Le Saux and Bede Griffiths – Aravindan Neelakandan

All three articles on Bede Griffiths and gang by Aravindan Neelakandan
are now published in one article
Please click below and see it on site (as it is to big to put in a
​ ​
 - SDS

Admin posted: " Christian missionaries usurp Hindu spiritual and cultural heritage and call it 'cultural inclusiveness'. In reality, it is a theology of aggressive spiritual deceit. - Aravindan Neelakandan Recently the Outlook magazine came out with the feature arti"
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New post on Bharata Bharati

Cultural Misappropriation: The spiritual deceits of Jules Monchanin, Henri Le Saux and Bede Griffiths – Aravindan Neelakandan

Christian missionaries usurp Hindu spiritual and cultural heritage and call it 'cultural inclusiveness'. In reality, it is a theology of aggressive spiritual deceit. - Aravindan Neelakandan

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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Quick notes: Incan temple, Volocopter...

  • Indigenous Peruvians seek to regain access to Incan temple: The most sacred temple in the Incan Empire came under Catholic control in the 16th century. The Spanish demolished much of the original temple of Coricancha after seizing its gold some 500 years ago, building the Santo Domingo Church on top of its ruins as part of the widespread practice at the time of transforming sacred native sites into Catholic ones.

  • Volocopter: Intel’s shiniest new toy takes off at CES

  • Hybrid-Electric Planes: Zunum Aero CEO Ashish Kumar is making hybrid-electric airplanes a reality

  • Cylinder deactivation: 2019 Chevy, GMC trucks get smarter fuel-saving cylinder deactivation from Tula Tech, a California company founded by Adya Tripathi

  • India should learn: U.S. lawmakers urge AT&T to cut commercial ties with Huawei. The govt has also blocked a string of Chinese acquisitions over national security concerns.

  • Naval strategy: India's Aircraft Carriers Might Just Be the Ultimate Paper Tiger

  • Positive move: Switzerland bans boiling lobsters alive

  • Madrasas producing terrorists: 4% of Indian Muslim children studied in madrasas in 2006. Today that number has increased to 10%.

  • How To Make Gold Water, Silver Water And Copper Water: Metal Charged Water And Its Benefits In Maintaining Health

my piece on how our data is being stolen from right under our noses

most recently it was our thorium sands. now our valuable data is going.

Fwd: Rani-Ki-Vav Step-well Patan & Kitchens of India Special - eSamskriti.com

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From: Sanjeev Nayyar

Namaskar & Vanakkam Friends,

The Rani-ki Vav step-well is truly a wonder of India. Made over 850 years it continues to thrive. There is nothing in India like this. Visited the Brahma Kumaris headquarters at Abu road. Their kitchen is comparable to the best anywhere. Importantly food is cooked by followers with a spirit of Sewa. Besides this we take u down memory lane to show the langars at Sringeri Mutt, Golden Temple and the Annaamrita kitchen ISKCON in Mumbai.

1. Rani-ki-Vav step-well Patan Gujarat By Sanjeev Nayyar. It is known as the Queen of Step-wells. It made by queen Udaymati in memory of her husband Bhimdeva I in the first half of the 11th century. It measurer 64m long, 20m wide and 27m deep. The well is 100 feet deep. Sculptures are to be seen to be believed. It has 229 pillars. https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Gujarat/Rani-Ki-Vav-Patan.aspx

2. Brahma Kumaris Kitchen Abu road By Sanjeev Nayyar. Brahma Kumaris is known for practice of Raja Yoga. During a recent visit to their headquarters in Abu road, was surprised to see their kitchen. It is scientifically laid-out, very clean, highly mechanised and manned by devotees. Importantly devotees work with a sense of duty and add lots of love to the food.  https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Rajasthan/Brahma-Kumaris-Abu-road-KITCHEN.aspx

3. Sringeri Mutt Annashetras By Sanjeev Nayyar. During a 2012 Karnataka visit, went to the kitchens of Sringeri Mutt / Dharmasthala etc. Huge kitchens that at times served meals to 50,000 devotees on one day.  https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Karnataka/Annakshetra-Sringeri.aspx

4. Golden Temple Langar By Sanjeev Nayyar. The most famous langar. Awesome food. Sewa bhavna. Loved it. Pics from my 2012 visit.  https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Punjab/Golden-Temple-Langar.aspx

5. Annaamrita Kitchen Mumbai ISKCON By Sanjeev Nayyar . This kitchen makes mid-day meals for Mumbai's school children. About 50,000 meals a day. Food is cooked with devotion and area spotlessly clean.  https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Maharashtra/ISKCON-Annamrita-Mumbai.aspx

6. The Indian tradition of respecting and celebrating food By Probal Ray C. Why do we celebrate food and enjoy eating.  https://www.esamskriti.com/e/Culture/Indian-Culture/The-Indian-Tradition-of-Respecting-and-Celebrating-Food-1.aspx

warm regards

sanjeev nayyar

www.esamskriti.com, @esamskritiindia, www.facebook.com/eSamskriti

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

China Builds Base at Doklam, Near India's Chicken Neck

China has been found to have built a base on the Doklam Plateau, near India's Siliguri Corridor, or Chicken Neck:

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Fwd: India’s hawkish posture+ Continuance of Declaration on Disturbed Area in Nagaland+India’s Army not as strong

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From: Sanjeev Nayyar

1. India Should Approach Nepal As An Equal, Not Like A Patronising Elder Brother 15.1.18 by Jaideep Prabhu https://swarajyamag.com/world/india-should-approach-nepal-as-an-equal-not-like-a-patronising-elder-brother
2. India's defence strategy on right track 15.1.18 by N S Venkataraman https://www.slguardian.org/indias-defence-strategy-on-right-track/
3. Netanyahu's visit consolidates momentum 17.1.18 by Kanwal Sibal Still not on Economic Times site.
5. India's Army not as strong 16.1.18 OPED http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1085121.shtml
'Sino-Indian relations have reached a turning point that either the two countries find an acceptable position for their ties and a mechanism to coordinate, or their relations will be a burden to the two rising power'
6. Assessing China's Strategic Behaviour During Republic Day and the Shangrila Dialogue 2018 17.1.18 by Maj Gen Rajiv N http://www.indiandefencereview.com/news/assessing-chinas-strategic-behaviour-during-republic-day-and-the-shangrila-dialogue-2018/
7. Japan's Geopolitical Assertiveness is an Asian Security Imperative in 2018 16.1.18 by Dr Subhash Kapila http://www.indiandefencereview.com/japans-geopolitical-assertiveness-is-an-asian-security-imperative-in-2018/
8. Continuance of Declaration on Disturbed Area in Nagaland is a Decision based on Perception without Foresight 16.1.18 by Gautam Sen https://idsa.in/idsacomments/continuance-of-declaration-on-disturbed-area-in-nagaland_gsen_160117
9. India's hawkish posture 17.1.18 by Talat Masood https://tribune.com.pk/story/1610435/6-indias-hawkish-posture/
It is, however, possible that India could face problem in acquiring the great power status unless it develops a modicum of relations with Pakistan and is more willingly accepted as a benign power by other countries of the region. Whereas Pakistan's ability to deal with India more effectively would very much depend on its ability to consolidate democracy by resolving its internal contradictions, especially the imbalance between civil-military relations
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Fwd: 70th ARMY DAY Special - eSamskriti.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sanjeev Nayyar

Namaskar & Vanakkam Friends,

15th January is Army Day. India owes a lot to its army. They not only protect the borders but also help in just about every natural calamity. Even make railway footbridges as one is being made in Mumbai. In Ladakh they run schools, vocational training centres and even make sanitary napkins. We must be proud of having a dedicated army. I only hope they are changing their systems and structures to keep pace with rapid developments taking place globally.  

You can your Army by contributing to the Army Relief Fund. We offer three options in link one. You can pay tribute to the soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice by visiting the war memorials.

1. Contribute to Indian Army Relief Fund Two options are contributing to the army relief fund. The third is to a Army NGO which rehabs those who get disabled in action - this is based in Pune. https://www.esamskriti.com/sa/Support-India/Contribute-to-Indian-Army-Welfare-Fund-1.aspx

2. Visit Kargil War Memorial. India's first televised war. Moral of this war - never let your guard down.  https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Jammu-And-Kashmir/Kargil-War-Memorial.aspx

3. Rezang-la War Memorial Ladakh. 123 soldiers of the 12 Kumaon Regiment fought this war in November 1962, at a height of over 15,000 feet, killing atleast a 1,000 Chinese soldiers. Tributes to the brave team led by Major Shaitan Singh. https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Jammu-And-Kashmir/Rezang-La-War-Memorial.aspx

4. Siachen Base Camp. Only when you visit the camp and glacier do you know the difficult conditions in which jawans guard the borders. https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Jammu-and-Kashmir/Siachen-Base-Camp.aspx

5. Jaswantgarh War Memorial. This memorial is enroute to Tawang and made in memory of Team Jaswant Singh who fought the Chinese bravely in 1962.  https://www.esamskriti.com/photo-detail/JaswantGarh-War-Memorial.aspx

6. Should the Indian Army being running schools in Jammu and Kashmir? During my 2016 trip covered various social service activities by the Army. Is the army suppose to runs schools?  https://www.esamskriti.com/e/National-Affairs/Ideas-ad-Policy/Should-the-Indian-Army-be-running-schools-in-Jammu-and-Kashmir-1.aspx

7. Army Goodwill School Kargil. This is a lovely school with super facilities. Do see. Wish had studied there. https://www.esamskriti.com/a/Jammu-and-Kashmir/Army-Goodwill-School-Harka-Bahadur.aspx

warm regards

sanjeev nayyar

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Fwd: Harvard Tamil Chair - synopsis of my issues

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From: Rajiv Malhotra








  • Last year, I took a risk when I publicly and assertively challenged the merits of the Harvard Tamil Chair: most Tamil people I spoke with expressed solidarity with Harvard and found my views too provocative.
  • So I decided to call for a debate with the proponents of the Chair. The organizers of Swadeshi Indology Conference 3 in IIT Madras tried to bring the supporters of the Chair to debate me, but this was not easy. Eventually, a Tamil media person came forth and we had an amicable discussion at the conference in December 2017.
  • He confirmed that he is pro-Dravidian, and a supporter of the Harvard Tamil Chair. But by the end of our conversation, he was hedging his position because it became clear that he and others supporting the chair have not done their homework, and had rushed to do it as a way to "feel good" in the glory of Harvard's aura.
  • None of the supporters of this Chair seem to have prior experience in such negotiations, and this became clear as I raised specific issues based on my years of experience dealing with similar academic chairs.
  • The complete videos from the conference will take time to edit/publish. But I have decided to bring a few clips from this Harvard Tamil Chair panel to the public in the meantime. I am doing this because of a recent scathing attack against Harvard on grounds that are irrelevant to the issues concerning this Chair - the attack focuses on things like Harvard's endowment being invested in hedge funds, and a false allegation that the co-founder of the chair has backed out.

Please watch and post your comments on Facebook/YouTube.


To help us continue this innovative and provocative alternative to mainstream media, we invite your donations to our tax-exempt foundation in USA or in India: DONATE





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Fwd: Judges Versus Chief Justice Of India: What Was Said And Left Unsaid by Sanjeev Nayyar in Swarayamag

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From: Sanjeev Nayyar

Judges Versus Chief Justice Of India: What Was Said And Left Unsaid
By Sanjeev Nayyar, January 16 2018
The judges' letter to the Chief Justice of India has stirred up the hornet's nest, but will the debates that ensued help reduce judicial delays benefiting the common man and improve the country's economic standing?
The article refers to the seven page letter, sudden raising death of Judge Loya, questions on Memorandum of Procedure, can judges be penalised other than by impeachment, basis of action against Justice CS Karnan. Lastly strategy and implications of current events.
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Sunday, January 14, 2018

PSLV C-40 Successfully Deploys 31 Satellites

ISRO's PSLV C-40 mission has successfully deployed 31 satellites into their intended orbits:

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Quick notes: Temple lands, Dharma lesson...

  • Hindus robbed by 'Vikas': BJP-led Maharashtra govt to sell vast tracts held by temple trusts. The State Cabinet amended existing laws, allowing transfer of Devasthan Inams land held by individuals and 4,000 temple trusts, including the ones at Shirdi, Siddhivinayak, Pandharpur and Mahalaxmi in Kolhapur.... vikas gando thayo chhe

  • Muslims rewarded by 'Vikas': Same govt increases the budget of Haj Committee.

  • Shia board's warning: Shia Central Waqf Board urges govt to shut down madrassas in the country, alleging that education imparted in these Islamic schools encouraged students to join terrorist ranks.

  • Chinese H1-B: China is issuing long-term visas to lure highly skilled people from abroad to work in the country. Technology leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists from in-demand sectors are among those eligible to apply.

  • Growing innovation back home: Chinese workers abandon Silicon Valley for riches back home

  • Dharma lesson by Max Muller:  What India teaches us is that in a state advancing towards civilization, there must be always two castes or two classes of men, a caste of Brahmans or of thinkers, and a caste of Kshatriyas, who are to fight; possibly other castes also of those who are to work and of those who are to serve. Great wars went on in India, but they were left to be fought by the warriors by profession. The peasants in their villages remained quiet, accepting the consequences, whatever they might be, and the Brahmans lived on, thinking and dreaming in their forests, satisfied to rule after the battle was over.

    And what applies to military struggles seems to me to apply to all struggles—political, religious, social, commercial, and even literary. Let those who love to fight, fight; but let others who are fond of quiet work go on undisturbed in their own special callings.

  • AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda