Sunday, January 07, 2018

Pakistan Hastening Its Debt-Trap Demise?

Under pressure from the US aid cutoff, Pakistan has agreed to allow China's Yuan currency to be used on its soil to facilitate trade between the 2 countries (something that Pakistan was previously hesitant to do):

This may accelerate Pakistan's plunge into a debt-trap situation. We can see the deep economic misery and pain that befell Greece when it surrendered its sovereign currency to use the Euro, as proposed by Germany. While Germany/China has all the manufacturing/export power, Greece/Pakistan accumulates debt and insolvency, in a lopsided relationship.

What India needs to do is secure its border fences and Aadhar cards for its citizenry, to protect itself from being inundated by refugees, as Pakistan heads towards a North Korean fate of poverty and misery. When Islam admonishes the charging of interest, it's no small coincidence that it attracts a following comprised of deadbeats who can't manage their impulses for profligacy and runaway borrowing.

1 comment:

Sameer said...

Wouldn't it be the right time to strike back?
They print FICN (Fake Indian currency notes), we can flood fake Yuans (with made in Peshawar/Rawalpindi signs).