Friday, December 05, 2014

Quick notes: Superbugs, Omega-6...

  • Superbugs Kill India’s Babies: “Five years ago, we almost never saw these kinds of infections. Now, close to 100 percent of the babies referred to us have multidrug resistant infections. It’s scary.”

    Newborns are particularly vulnerable because their immune systems are fragile, leaving little time for doctors to find a drug that works. But everyone is at risk. U Srinivas, one of India’s most famous musicians, died Sept. 19 at age 45 because of an infection that doctors could not cure.

  • What really causes heart disease. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.

    How too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 is making us sick

  • Cool buildings without air conditioning: Stanford engineers invent high-tech mirror to beam heat away from buildings into space. A team led by electrical engineering Professor Shanhui Fan and research associate Aaswath Raman reported this energy-saving breakthrough in the journal Nature. 

  • Wanted pedophile Paul Meekin escapes yet again: Meekin hails from Southport, Lancshire, and was a head teacher at the Trio World School in Bengaluru.

  • Porn: Why liberal Iceland wants to ban online pornography.

1 comment:

Sujeev said...

This is about the NY Times article about infant deaths in India.

Embedded in this article is an uninformed? quote from a Dr. Vinod Paul, the Chief of Pediatrics of at The All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

“Our hypothesis is that resistant infections in newborns may be originating from the maternal genital tract and not just the environment,” Dr. Paul said in an interview.

With this quote, just a guess by the doctor quoted, the NY Times seems to be insinuating that the Indian Vagina is somehow a less healthy place than vaginas elsewhere.

With this quote, the doctor seems to be smoothly steering the fault for pediatric deaths in India from the multibillion dollar industry that fills his coffers everyday, and onto poor Indian women.

Also, with this quote, the NY Times has held up the saris of Indian women, so that the world can take a peek into their vaginas.

I havent seen any outrage from Indian feminists who complain endlessly about Khaps, and the treatment meted out to them by prospective mothers-in-law during interviews (looking at their teeth, commenting on their looks,tugging at their ears, etc.), etc. directed at the New York Times for exposing their womanhood for all the world to see.