It was 11 years ago on this day that a well organised Moslem Jihadi mob with a strength of
over 2000, assembled at 7.0 AM
- set fire to coach S6 of the Sabarmati express, roasting alive 78 Hindu pilgrims - peaceful and unarmed men, women, children and senior citizens. By several accounts,
not disputed by the local authorities - many young Hindu women were abducted from the train - and are untraced till date.
Not a single word in their memory in the "SECULAR" press, electronic media, the chattering classes or the political
class, including the BJP.
May this atrocity never be forgotten and may the sacrifice of the 78 Hindus roasted alive never go unpunished.
Here are some of the 2000 strong "peaceful" and "secular" mob, most of whom have escaped Scot free.

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