Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gulen Leading Caliphate's Return

The crafty Gulen and his more sophisticated approach could succeed where ISI and its crude jihadis failed - and I don't mind it one bit:

When Gandhi called for restoration of the Caliphate in faraway Turkey as a gesture to local Muslim sentiments, he took criticism from Hindus on this. Personally, I think a return of Turkish Islamism would be a good thing for India, even if it means reviving Turkey as the seat of the Caliphate. Because after seeing how strongly the Europeans have given moral support to Islamism in SouthAsia, while enjoying the luxury of not suffering from any serious Islamist threat of their own nearby, I think the return of Islam to Europe's doorstep is long overdue. An aggressively Islamist Turkey will give Europeans a good strong pause for thought the next time they get any ideas about supporting jihadism. Just as Pakistani fanaticism has caused us far more problems than it has to Europe, likewise an Islamist Turkey will cause them far more problems than us - and set them straight in the process.

1 comment:

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