Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gender Selection Ad Targets Indo-Canadians

An ad in a Canadian newspaper offering sex selection is causing an ethical stir. The “pre-conception gender determination” offer is made by a Washington state fertility clinic to Indo-Canadians. The clinic claims to perform biopsies on embryos prior to in vitro fertilization, using DNA to determine gender and then implanting only male embryos in the mother’s uterus.

A Gallup Poll last year found Americans prefer boys.

Sex Selection Ad Creates Controversy in Canada

1 comment:

Sujeev said...

I cannot figure this out. Assisted reproduction (helping infertile couples have kids) is OK, but selective reproduction is unethical? I personally think assisted reproduction is bad for society as it tends to weaken the (extended) family fabric, by preventing infertile couples bonding with, or adopting, children of their more fertile family members, and turning otherwise wonderful people quite narcissistic in the pursuit of their own offspring. As for sex selection, why is it the health care provider's concern if a particular social group wants to commit collective suicide, by having all males?