Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The lips firmly to the bottom – aka “strategic reassurance”

feed them to the wolves - this is what Obama’s policy actually means to neighbors of China. It should come as no surprise; the blighter was their candidate all along.

Say what you will about Bush, but he never turned away the Dalai Lama and did make a studied pretence of standing up to the barbarians – remember that US spy plane that had to land on the mainland? What a circus that was, complete with hysterically shrieking han she-wolf of the dead chinese pilot.

Also it is strange that the Yanks defer to Russians (which, to clarify, is fine with me) while the hans push them around

All in all – we are quite alone in the world. Even the pygmy nations like Lankans now push us around.


karyakarta92 said...

You're absolutely right. I'm actually surprised that "Bangladesh" has not officially made a claim on Assam, West Bengal etc. Soon, we might witness the Islamic republic of Maldives stake their claim on the Lakshadweep islands and by Ummah injection, the state of KhairAllah.
Dhimmi Mohandas had justified irredentism based on religious conquest - in the context of "Palestine". Mohandas had also eulogized the MOPLAH BUTCHERS as the "bravest of the land". So, Mohandas himself had laid the groundwork for such claims by the Ummah.
Why should the Maldives not aspire for a share of Indian territory? It's open season under the anatomically deficient UPA.

siva said...

What can we expect when we keep electing imbeciles?

Harish said...

EVM's keep electing not the people..