Wednesday, November 18, 2009

more from the 'how to crawl when asked to bend' department, re. kowtowing to hans

nov 18th, 2009

hat tip 'good morning silicon valley' from the san jose mercury news:

obama sets great example for how to grovel, and the UN eagerly follows.

Meanwhile in Egypt, United Nations officials at the Internet Governance Forum took the kid-gloves treatment of China's state censorship to absurd lengths Sunday. At a reception sponsored by the OpenNet Initiative, U.N. security officials came in and took down a poster for ONI's upcoming book, "Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace." The officials said they were responding to the complaints of unnamed delegates over the following sentence on the poster: "The first generation of controls, typified by China's 'Great Firewall', are being replaced by more sophisticated techniques that go beyond mere denial of information." Said Al Alegre of the Foundation for Media Alternatives, a member of the ONI Network, "We condemn this undemocratic act of censoring our event just because someone is trying to impress or be in the good graces of the Chinese government. It is ironic that while people are allowed to gather here to discuss freedom of expression online, censorship and surveillance practices on the Internet, we are being restricted in expressing our views."

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