Monday, November 30, 2009

yet another reason why nuke power is a bad idea: sabotage

nov 30th, 2009

if some 'disgruntled employee' (aka religious warrior?) could do this so easily, imagine what a group of 'disgruntled terrorists' (oh, sorry, freedom fighters) can do. 

no nuke reactors! but we need nuke weapons to fend off the lovely hans and the even more lovely paks. this is sad but true.

: The false promise: "Nuclear power is a failed experiment of the past, not an answer for the future" 


san said...

Rajeev, nuclear energy is a carbon-neutral source of energy. Yes, some nut can do bad things, but nuts can do all sorts of bad things - like pouring cyanide into the water supply.

Nuclear energy can give India energy independence.

Anonymous said...

I am sure it is member of Religion Of Peace..

that is why, people are issuing statement not to panic...