Thursday, December 14, 2006

Re: dhimmitude in india


On 12/14/06,  wrote:
dec 10th, 2006

thanks to ram for forwarding this to me.

this was written at the height of the blog censoring by manmohan singh and party.

but the guy is right: sonia and parivar are dead scared of mohammedans, so they will do whatever is in their power to appease them, of course at the cost of hindu lives.

incidentally, i predict this afzal guru, convicted and sentenced to death for attacking parliament, will not be executed. he will live in comfort in some jail until some pakistani terrorists hijack another indian plane and demand guru released for ransom. which of course manmohan will deliver.

the right thing to do in such circumstances would be to publicly behead guru instead. (just as the mohammedans do.)

manmohan singh -- the worst prime minister ever, even worse than nehru (and that takes some doing).

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