Friday, August 16, 2024

Nixon and Kissinger on Indians 1971

Nathan FOIA Tankus (@NathanTankus) posted at 4:54 AM on Sun, Dec 03, 2023:
I have been reading this revolting quote from Nixon circulating about "Indian women" from the middle of the Bangladesh genocide in June 1971 and I like to periodically check up on primary sources so I dug it out and made subtitles. Truly disgusting freaks.

By no means am I saying all white people are like this. In fact I can personally vouch for some white Americans very decent people. But racism against Indians and religious hatred against Hindus are increasing, and that  is deplorable and is a fact. 

Here is chapter and verse. see the subsequent tweets for the original source material.

Somebody told me Jews (Kissinger being one) are not white. not true. (apart from regrettable anti-jew sentiment that i would dissociate myself from). 'whiteness' is a construct. up until WW2 jews were considered low class (there were signs saying "no blacks and jews allowed" in the redneck South of the US). a shipful of jews fleeing europe during WW2 was denied landing rights and sent back to pretty much certain death. (echoes of 'Komagata Maru'?). after WW2, there was white guilt about them; plus jews became wealthy in the US and dominated medicine, finance, Hollywood etc. lots of jewish money eg rothschilds from europe came in (and was venture capital for silicon valley, for example). suddenly jews were "promoted" to white. 

yes, you too can become "white" if you meet certain criteria. eg japanese were 'honorary whites' in apartheid south africa. 

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