Thursday, February 27, 2025

Canada's Chrystia Freeland Wants Brit/French Nukes to Counter 'Predator' America

Chrystia Freeland, who was until recently Canada's finance minister, and previously its deputy prime minister, and before that its foreign minister (all under Justin Trudeau), is now calling for Canada to acquire nuclear weapons deterrence from UK & France against the USA

Freeland has a strange past

Free land = Strange love

Socialism thriving in South Block

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

et tu, crypto?

another bubble is bursting. none too soon. 

let me name a few recent failures: metaverse, blockchain, apple vision pro, Hyperloop.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

CNN: Deep State Bureaucrats Threaten To Sell State Secrets If Trump Isn’t Nice To Them

Gotta keep that Deep State happy - or else they'll suddenly start working for the Kremlin, etc

Apparently, patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels

FT and nikkei still ranting about adani

even after the deep state/USAID fiasco and hindenburg's implosion. sigh. 

Quick notes: What Musk wants | WTO is toast...

  • What Musk Really Wants: India’s appeasement of Trump comes to nought.. All this touchy-feely diplomatic propaganda masked what Musk really wants from India — that his Starlink be allowed to enter the Indian market via an administrative allocation of spectrum (as opposed to the hefty sums paid by the existing Indian players through competitive bidding), a reduction in import duties on electric vehicles, especially Tesla and a possible collaboration between Space X and ISRO.

  • Forever indebted to our colonial masters: UK and India relaunch trade talks in Delhi. . . "Oxford seat for my daughter and you get to loot India again, deal?". . . . UK's richest 10% extracted $33.8 trillion from India during colonialism

  • Darshan devo Shankar: Raag Yaman Kalyan bandish. Rahul Ranade, Navin and Chirag Solanki.

  • ‘The WTO is toast.’: What happens to global trade now. The free trade promise of consumers buying from the lowest-cost producers could be imperiled.

  • Trouble for China: Any deep understanding between the US and Russia will erode China’s influence at the high table. . . Checkmate Xi?

  • What If China, America Make Up?: Possibility of America and China reaching some level of tactical accommodation. . . Trump Says New China Trade Deal ‘Possible’.

  • The world's deadliest dam failures have occurred in China:

  • Raja Koduri on Intel's "cancel" culture: Intel’s ex-exec Raja Koduri says “You don’t learn without shipping”; gives a rundown into what’s wrong with Team Blue and how Intel is held back by bureaucratic snakes

  • Hand in the cookie jar: Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding

  • China's bicycle revival: "Automobiles, as a transportation method, have their limits".

Thursday, February 20, 2025

suchir Balaji homicide or suicide?

the SF police have closed the case ruling it a suicide. but it's hard to believe

nomenclature terrorism. this is good.

just like 'gulf of america'. it mirrors china's nomenclature aggressiveness, eg giving indian villages Chinese place names. or claiming the '9 dash line', which is a piece of garbage. 

in India, commies use "fascists, Hitler" etc to try to dispirit hindus. but I found that calling them "nehruvian stalinists" or "maoists" quickly shut them up. 

nomenclature terrorism works both ways. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Quick notes: H-1B visas | Distillation...

  • The less Modi talks of the H1B visa the better: Everybody and his proverbial uncle in the leadership circles in the US and the West has about had it with the Indian PM’s pleadings to let in more Indian engineers and science grads as a way of pleasing his middle class voter base. The US’ intake of Indian STEMers will be whatever the American economy and system requires.

    Countries like Vietnam, that are following the Trumpian route to making the govt more receptive to the private sector, have already stolen a march over India, and will be beyond India’s ability to catch up with in the manufacturing sector. Time, therefore, for Modi to stop pushing the H1B stuff and regain a bit of self-respect for the nation. Or, there will be more humiliations in tow, like the C-17 returning the illegals in chains.

  • The Problems with H-1B Visas and India’s Brain Drain:

  • False prestige: India to go all out to win bid for 2036 Olympic Games

  • Modi sarkar saving China from Trump: Reliance brings Shein to India five years after ban. . . No more a national security threat?

  • ‘Distillation’ Is AI’s New Buzzword—and a Scary One for AI Companies. It is like asking any question you want of Einstein and becoming almost as knowledgeable as he is in physics. It's an easy way for smaller developers, in particular, to recreate some of the capabilities of much larger models in a much more cost-efficient manner, and doing it in a way that also produces AI models that themselves are a lot smaller and more cost-efficient.

  • Mark’s unlawful activity: Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training — court records reveal copyright violations

  • English-medium champs: Why Can't India Build its Own DeepSeek or ChatGPT?

  • Electric Scooter-Cum-Rickshaw: Hero MotoCorp Unveils Convertible Surge S32 Electric Scooter.

  • Immigration Crackdown: UK Targets Indian Restaurants In Trump-Style Immigration Crackdown

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Trump & Elon Defund Another CIA Front Group -The NED!

Deep State suffering some major blows as Donald Trump and Elon Musk cut off funding for the infamous "National Endowment for Democracy"

Sunday, February 09, 2025

immigration still a problem

 there is no simple solution to the immigration conundrum under Trump 2.0. a lot of people are going to be hurt, and that includes not just criminals and illegals, but even hardworking, productive foreigners. it also might make the US a lot less attractive to foreigners, which could be fatal for innovation there.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Trump Says U.S. Should ‘Level’ Gaza, Create ‘Riviera of the Middle East’

This looks weird. It would completely rip up international law.

But if Netanyahu can get this from Trump, then we should likewise ask for support in getting POK back.
Might as well take advantage of the window of opportunity while it's there.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

USAID: the sky is falling

these Brits overestimate what USAID accomplishes, other than feeding regime-change.