Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Indian Supreme Court: Won't Get Involved in Jammu&Kashmir Status for Now

India's Supreme Court saying they won't intervene on the status of Jammu & Kashmir for now:
Meh, I think the Supreme Court of India is being political and deliberately anemic/flaccid on support the Union of India over a fundamental issue, when they should be giving resounding support. People will remember their lacklustre performance on this issue. The cagey Supreme Court justices look to be behaving like politicians - unelected politicians.
What happens when someone in Ladakh wants a case to be adjudicated on? Is the Supreme Court of India just going to delay and abdicate further? Why shouldn't Ladakhis be able to avail themselves of the Indian judiciary's services, when they regard themselves as citizens subject to the Indian constitution? How long will the Indian Supreme Court duck this vital matter? I hope that Ladakhis will indeed come forward to have their cases taken up by the Supreme Court, to compel it to establish its jurisdiction over them.

India needs judicial reform, and not just reforms like removal of 370. Indian public needs to take note of Supreme Court's unreliable conduct regarding matters of fundamental importance to the nation. In the direction India's Supreme Court is heading, they'll wind up like Pakistan's courts which bar politicians from seeking public office at the behest of anti-democratic vested interests.

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