Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quick notes: Andy Grove, Simpsons' prediction...

  • When Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison told Andy Grove he was the only person in Silicon Valley who they would willingly work for, he told them he wouldn’t have hired either because they were “a couple of flakes.”... “If you went into a meeting, you’d better have your data; you’d better have your opinion; and if you can’t defend your opinion, you have no right to be there.”

  • Will the IAF not get its Rafales? Claude Arpi examines the issue

  • Mexico City imposes driving ban as pollution soars: In recent years, we've seen similar measures in cities like Beijing, Bogota, New Delhi, Milan, Rome and Paris.

  • Curbing pollution: Milan considers paying people to bike to work.

  • Trump: ‘The Simpsons’ predicted a Donald Trump presidency 16 years ago

  • No Texts, Please, We’re Meditating: “Meditation is part of a wellness trend. It was once part of a culture associated with monks and hippies, and now we see professional athletes and high-level achievers using meditation to enhance performance.”

  • India’s Agasthyamala among 20 UNESCO world biosphere reserves: The ABR is situated at the southern-most end of the Western Ghats and spread over Kerala and Tamil Nadu and covers an area of 3,500 sq km at an altitude ranging from 100 metres to 1,868 metres above the Mean Sea Level. 

  • Rate of carbon emissions put in context: At present, human emissions of CO2 are approaching 40 billion tonnes a year.

  • The West’s big lie about Mother Teresa: Her “glorification of suffering instead of relieving it” has had little impact on her glowing reputation

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